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   "Oh my god you're killing me here" I sigh as I sit on the couch. "Ash, I'm just not in a party mood. You go and have fun" She rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone with a mischievous grin. I narrowed my eyes at her and sure enough my phone started going off.

For the streets

Ashley: Guys Rory doesn't wanna go with us tonight

Evan: Do you hate us already? :(

Aaron: Its defiantly Ethan's fault

Amy: I second that

Ethan: I didn't do shit, fuck off

Rachel: Babes come with us please :( it's Friday night.

Hot Stuff: Is everything okay princess?

Aaron: Wait I change my mind....Axel what did you do?

Me: Oh my god nobody did anything. Just not in the mood jeez...

      : And I hated you the second I saw you Evan <3

Evan: You don't mean that gorgeous ;)

Hot Stuff: Watch it

Evan: You guys are just friends, I don't have to watch anything

Amy: Oop

Hot Stuff: ...

Me: Have fun guys I'm gonna go lay down

Ashley: No you're going to go get dressed in a super sexy dress and come to the bar with us

Ethan: Yeah super sexy dress please

Hot Stuff: Ethan

Ethan: Axel

Me: Can't legally drink, I'm 20

Hot Stuff: I'll get you your drinks princess, please come with us

Me: Good night everyone <3

   I roll my eyes at Ashley glaring at me and I head to my room. It's been a two months since I started college and it's been going so good. The group knows everything about my dad and my struggles with getting close to people, but they didn't judge me; in fact, they were honored that I 'chose them'. Some days I feel my social battery drain so as much as I hate not being with them, I have to stay in my safe little bubble to recharge my energy. 

Alec Montgomery: Wanna watch a movie or something?

Me: Sorry, don't really feel like hanging out today

Alec Montgomery: Is that code for Axel is rearranging my guts?

Me: You're gross. They all went to a bar

Alec Montgomery: Ah, okay lmk when you wanna chill

Me: Will do

   Alec has actually been good with being a friend. It's actually starting to feel like how it did when we first met. He jokes around, bullies me, there's no tension between us. I can't complain...Even though he does. All he does is complain about Axel, he's jealous and I can tell, but he doesn't push it other then chewing my ear off about how he's not good enough for me. Axel an I are actually really good, we fuck whenever we want but kept our word on staying friends. We both started to have stronger feelings for each other, but something tells me it's not the right time.

   As I'm laying in my bed resting my eyes a knock at the door startles me. I groan as I climb off my bed and head to the door of my dorm. I open the door crossing my arms and scowling at Axel. "Why are you here and not at the bar?" He gasped and covered his mouth dramatically. "Are you not excited to see me? Damn..." I rolled my eyes and opened the door further to let him in. "Seriously why are you here?" He smiled as he walked to the kitchen and pulled ice cream out of the freezer. "I didn't want you to be alone" He shrugged as he leant his back against the counter facing me as he started to eat the ice cream out of the container. 

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