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   "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I smiled at the boys shaking my head as I approached them in the cafeteria. "Thanks guys", They all hugged me and I sat next to Aaron. "Evan where's Axel?" He shrugged with a weird look on his face. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. He hasn't really acted weird since the day Rachel went to the hospital, but it's not like him to leave the apartment before I woke and not come to the cafeteria. He didn't even text me a happy birthday. "You okay?" I look up at Aaron and nod, "I'm gonna head home, I'll see you guys later maybe" I got up and headed to my car before any of them said anything. Why am I being so emotional over something so little? 

   I sped home and quickly changed into a t-shirt and shorts, then I grabbed wine and headed straight to bed. I put on a show and relaxed as the wine starts to warm my blood. My mom called me the second she knew I'd be up and Axels parents even shot me a text. He probably just forgot which stings a bit considering for my 21st he went all out and made me feel so fucking special. Fuck this sulking. I slide out of bed and rummage through my closet pulling out a skin tight red dress and a pair of black heels. I quickly get changed and throw my hair into a tight slicked high pony tail and I slapped on a dark red lipstick and some mascara.

The girls 

Me: Benny's now

Ashley: Chill I gotta find something to wear

Francesca: I have something dw

Rachel: Be there in 5

Francesca: Are the boys invited?

Me: No


Ashley: YES!!!!

   I grab my clutch and slide my phone and wallet in it after ordering an uber and I head downstairs and wait for it. "And where are you going looking like that?" I rolled my eyes at Aaron and sighed. "What are you doing here?" He frowned, "Coming to check on you, none of us has heard from Axel" I nodded and shrugged, "Well, I have somewhere to be so if you'll excuse me" I walk to the uber that just pulled up and I get in giving him the directions to Benny's. He pulled up and I went right inside heading tot the bar. "Benny" I beamed at him and he smiled. "Hey pretty lady, what can I get for ya?" I hummed, "Whiskey straight" His eyes widened and I smiled. 

   "Where's everyone else?" He handed me the glass smiling, "The girls are on their way, the boys aren't coming" He nodded and I handed him a 20, he shook his head and handed it back, "Your birthday gift" I frowned, "You remembered?" He laughed nodding, "How could I forget?" I shrugged and sighed before downing the whiskey in one go, "My fiancé did" He frowned and started blending a frozen strawberry margarita for me. I smiled and he reached over and squeezed my cheek. I like Benny, he's like another father figure to me. The first time the boys brought me here I immediately felt welcomed. Benny has looks too, he in his early 40's and constantly has women throwing themselves at him. It's honesty quite funny to watch when you're slightly intoxicated. 

   "Hey girllll, Benny" Benny waved at Francesca and Ashley and two seconds later Rachel came. "Damn girl you dressed to impress" I laughed and started sipping on my margarita. "Ooo Benny I'll have what she's having" He nodded smiling, "You also want to down a glass of whiskey like she did too?" The girls all looked at me and I shrugged. "Blame Axel for that one" The girls frowned and took their seats next to me. "Excuse me? Can I just say you look absolutely breath taking" I turned to a very clearly drunk man and I just offer him a thanks and a smile. "Can I get your number?" I show him my left hand and he frowns with a nod before wobbling away. Ashley covered her mouth laughing and I giggled shaking my head

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