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   Consistent beeps are heard as I lay with my eyes shut not moving a muscle. I can see how bright the lights are through my eyelids and I'm dreading opening them. I hear my mom talking to Dr.Camber before he walks next to my bed, lifting it so I'm sitting and wakes me. I open my eyes slowly and blink repeatedly to get accustomed to the light that filled my eyes. "Welcome back Ms.Andrews, we're just going to check your motor functions to see if everything is running smoothly okay?" I nod at him and he smiles. He goes to the end of my bed and lifts the blanket exposing my feet.

   He takes out a metal stick of some sorts and runs it under my foot to see if it reacts. Then he comes by my hands and take them both asking my to squeeze his hands. "Perfect, now let's get some water in you and have you start talking okay?" I nodded again and he walked out of the room. I finally turn to my mom and my heart stopped when Axel was sitting next to her. He could see my panic and he rushed over to me. "Hey it's okay princess" He grabbed my hands and looked at me with furrowed brows when tears started to leave my eyes. 

   "I know baby" He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. The nurse came in with water and Axel poured me a cup and brought it to my lips. My mom came to my other side and kissed my cheek. "How you feeling peanut" I looked at the door to see my Uncle Louie and Andre. A smile took over my face and he placed down a huge bag of food for everyone before coming and kissing me on the cheek. He shook Axels hand as did Andre. "I'm okay" I croaked out and Andre kissed the back of my hand. "I always knew there was something wrong with you" He smirked and I giggled. Uncle Louie shook his head and smacked the back of Andres. 

   "Can I just say what we're all thinking?" Andre looked at Axel, "Glad you two are still together". My mom smiled and nodded, "Almost a year in five months" My mom beamed and Axel smiled down at me. Dr.Camber walked back in and nodded at my uncle and cousin. "Have we been talking?" I nodded, "A bit" He smiled and nodded. "Good, we're going to keep you here for a few more days and then you can be discharged. I'm done bothering you" He hugged my mom and left. "Peanut you want something to eat?" I shook my head smiling at my uncle. "Maybe in a bit" He nodded and took a seat. 

   "Yo-you guys don't have to stay" Axel brought the water back to my mouth to sooth the scratching and my uncle huffed. "I barely see you, you get thrown into surgery and now you don't want me here?" I shook my head frowning. "I know you have a lot on your plate, you don't have to worry about me" He rolled his eyes. "Ever since you were a baby you didn't let anyone take care of you, your father used to throw a fit every time you got hurt, you'd always say "I can handle it dad". Aurora let us be here for you" I furrowed my brows at him and sighed. "I let Axel take care of me" He scuffed, "Yeah when your not running away" I looked at him and opened my mouth to say something, but nothing cam out, he whispered 'sorry'.

   "Can I have the room to myself for a bit? I'm tired" I avoided eye contact from Axel and my mom ushered everyone out. I rested my head down and the tears came out. "I fucked up" My mom caressed my cheek, "No baby, you we're scared and irritated so you came to me. I explained to to him and he understands. He's just upset you didn't talk to him" She kissed my forehead and sat down, "Try to get some rest okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes.


   A week.....I've been here for a week after Dr.Camber said only a few days. Axel and my mom have stayed by my side the whole time and Axel and I have talked through everything we needed to get off our chests. As cliche as it sounds, it did bring us closer. Axel and I were laughing about something when a familiar nurse came in with my discharge papers. "Aurora?"I looked at her speechless. "Ramona" My mom said while taking the discharge papers. "Are- How are you?" I smiled, "I'm good" She nodded and my mom handed her back the papers and she left. 

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