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   "Can you zip me up?" Without an answer, the zipper of my dress was pulled up and I turned smile at Ashley. "How excited are you?" I beamed at her question, "So fucking excited, I'm so proud of the both of them" Ashley nodded and Rachel bursted into the room. "We have 20 minutes to get there are you guys ready?" We both nodded and met Francesca down at the car. "I can't believe this is happening so fast, it feel like they just started this yesterday" I smiled softly at Rachel nodding. While I was looking forward Rachel dabbed concealer on my chin and I rose a brow at her. "Your bruise was showing" I nodded and thanked her.

   Francesca pulled up in front of the venue and we met Aaron and Ethan outside. "You girls look beautiful" I smiled at Aaron and hugged him tight. "You boys don't look so bad yourself" Ashley said while putting Ethan in a choke hold. "Still don't know why I couldn't arrive with Axel." I huffed out and Aaron smiled at me, linking his arm in mine. "Let's go find our table." I nodded and we headed inside with everyone else trailing behind us. "Name?" A Middle Ages woman asked. "Aurora Andrews" Her eyes widened and she smiled bright giving me a table card. Everyone else said their names and we all headed to the same table. As everyone sat, they left two empty seats next to me for Evan and Axel. 

   A man well into his 60's walked onto the stage and tapped the microphone before clearing his throat. " Good evening everyone, I'm glad you could all make it. As you all know this event is somewhat special to us all and our community. We're celebrating new successful businesses and with the Hearty foundations approval, one specific company will be aided with much needed help to let them soar in the business community. I want to thank all of you for being apart of this tradition and I hope you all enjoy the night." With that everyone clapped as the man walked off the stage. "Well don't you just look absolutely jaw dropping" A deep voice whispered into my ear and I quickly got out of my seat wrapping my arms around Axel. "I could say the same to you, I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you in a suit".

   He smirked and kissed me before Evan walked up. I kissed him on the cheek and we sat. "So do you guys think you're going to win that award?" Aaron asked siping on whisky, Axel shrugged. "I mean I honesty don't know, but it would be an amazing opportunity for us to have the Hearty foundations donation." Evan nodded and I grabbed Axel's hand and kiss the back, "I have faith" I smiled at him and he smiled back kissing my forehead. As the night went on many businesses where talked about and boasted about, one of them being Lexington&Bishop Co. Everyone drank, ate, and mingled and Axel introduced me to a lot of important influential people. "Alright guys, we had a wonderful night introducing the new upcoming businesses to you all, but now for the moment you've all been waiting for. The Hearty foundation has entrusted their donation to the one and only....Lexington&Bishop Co. May I invite Axel Lexington and Evan Bishop to the stage".

   As cheers erupted I pulled Axel into a deep kiss and he smiled brightly at me when he pulled back. "I love you" I winked at him as Evan and him walked to the stage. Evan took the award plague and check as he shook the mans hand and Axel stood at the microphone. "I want to thank the Hearty foundation for aiding us with this opportunity. My partner Mr.Bishop and I have been dreaming of this moment since we were in high school and it feels surreal to see it play out in the present. As much as we put in this work I feel like we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the support and push of my fiancé Aurora, so I also want to thank her for being my rock" He sent a wink at me as everyone 'awed' us.

   Evan then stepped up to the microphone. "Mr.Lexington has been my best friend since I could remember and I could truly attest to the support his fiancé not only gives him, but to everyone in her life. She is a major part of the award we won today" As Evan stepped back everyone clapped and Aaron nudged my shoulder. As Axel walked up to the table I jumped in his arms squeezing him tight and when he put me down he wiped my tears. "This was about you two" I pointed at him and Evan, "Why on earth did you guys thank me" Evan smiled and kissed the top of my head and Axel caressed my cheek. "Because we meant every word we said" He pecked my lips and we sat back down. "Congrats guys" Ashley beamed and they both gave her a nod.

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