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“Have you seen your daughter?” Your mother stated as she approached your father in such a hurry.

“No, why, is everything alright?” He asked.

“Hell everything is all right.” She glared at her husband with such sarcasm in her tone before walking past him. “She has been missing for the last twelve hours how can you not know that?!” She exclaimed as he turned to look at his walking wife.

“How can I when I'm preparing our people for the upcoming war,” he defended and she scoffed.

“Right, you have duties and so are we, your family is your duty too!” She argued, making him stop her from walking.

“Why are you lashing out on me?” He asked, quite calmly.

She turned around with an exhausted look. “Natalia's awake and she has been looking for her and she couldn't seem to sit still.”

“Then make her sit still,” he retorted and she glared at him.

“You are no use.” Tony smiled at what Pepper said but she still looked serious.

“Fine, I will talk to her, now go look for our daughter.” He kissed the top of her head, flashing her one more smile before he left to go look for Natalia.

When Natalia woke up she was looking for you, the first thought that went to her mind was were you okay, she didn't care to ask how her wounds were, all she was worried about was you, but that was eight hours ago, she certainly is dying of frustration without your presence. Her mind can't seem to comprehend the calmness and nervousness as she continued to pace back and forth inside your chambers since the guards won't let her out because of your mother's orders.

Tony entered the room. “I see that you're awake. How have you been?” He asked with a light smile on his lips.

Natalia turned to look at him. “Is she here yet? Did you find her?” She immediately asked.

He sighed. “Look, Nat, listen to me, you have to calm down, you are still weak and injured...”

Her jaw clenched, closing her eyes for a mere second before opening them again along with a sigh. “Just tell me the truth,” she pleaded.

He also sighed and contemplated what he says next. “She's missing,” he dropped it like a bomb. “She's been missing for twelve hours and the whole Kingdom is looking for her as we speak.”

* * *

“Jules, we're in a tower, do you not expect them to find us here?” You asked her, keeping the conversation light to prevent her despise you more.

“Not if you put an enchantment.” She smiled.

You scoffed. “What are we? Rapunzel,” you sarcastically respond but she didn't even gave you a satisfaction.

Jules stayed silent as she looked at you in the eye, her breathing was even but by how you hear her heartbeat tells more that she isn't liking any of this.

“You killed my father,” she lowly stated, keeping a tough look even though you could see through it like a mirror.

You swallowed thickly. “I did,” you admitted.

Her demeanor immediately changed, and then she blinked, eyes getting glossy by the second she looks at you.

“Did he...” She paused mid sentence while she picked at the hem of her dress. “Die well?” She asked.

You smiled at her the way you were sympathetic and comforting. “He died very well...and quick,” you answered and she only hummed in response.

Jules didn't utter to say a word and neither did you.

The Heiress and The Queen [Avengers Medieval Period]Where stories live. Discover now