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Fight. You’d forgotten how it felt.

“No. I’m not training with you,” Zander refused and you widened your eyes at him.

“Why not?” You questioned firmly.

“I..” He hesitated for a moment as he looked down on the floor.

You were breathing a little bit heavy since you had a warm up with Barnes just three minutes ago, and now you were asking for Zander to train you with but he’s damn too stubborn to follow such a demand.

“You already know how to fight,” he reasoned and you scoffed at his nonsense.

“And you think I don’t need more training?” You questioned, slightly offended to his choice of words.

“Of course not, your majesty,” he retorted.

“Then what is holding you back?” You quickly asked, eyes never leaving from him as you wait for his response.

He shut his mouth. The training quarter was so quiet and you just waited for a response even though you know that he wouldn’t give you any but you insisted. You didn’t move from your spot and so did he.

“What is it?” You asked again, softly this time, and you were able to make him look at you.

“I don’t deserve this, your majesty,” he sounded defeated as his eyes shine with it’s own tears and you arched an eyebrow towards him. “I should be hang,” he added and you couldn’t seem to understand. “I caused you misery, m’lady, and I can not forgive myself for that.”

Instead of a respond, you punched him hard on his gut.
“If I said I need you to train with me, train with me! You don’t get to disobey my orders!” You yelled at him and he didn’t flinch as he watched your eyes beginning to change. “So fight!” You yelled once more and he did nothing, and so you hit him nonstop, every part that was lethal, every part that you knew would leave bruises in his body, you didn’t stop until he blocked one of your blow but you still continued.

Someone entered the room but you were too busy to look who it was.

“Fight! You are a warrior Zander, and I need you to fight!” punch. “I do not care what you did to me or to anyone,” punch, “what I need is for you to fight!”

You were sure that your knuckles was swollen hit after hit and he continued to block it, letting some of your blows slip as you released the anger out on him, your breathing was uneven, chest going up and down, the pain in your torso increased as you struggled to pull your punches, in just a mere second you forgot what you were doing. Zander noticed it but you were too strong for him to stop you.

Your eyes became bloodshot with the mix of sparkling blue, your brain blocked out in complete darkness.

“Your majesty!” He was yelling at you but you only heard a muffled voice. “You have to stop!”

The other person that was in the room swiftly moved behind your back, wrapping their arms around your waist, pulling you way from Zander, with all of their strength as you resisted it, wiggling your body to get their hold off of you, “No!” You screamed but it was no use as they tightened their arms even more, squeezing your middle and Zander scurried out off the room to find some help.
“Calm down,” they whispered in your ears and the voice was enough for you to know who it was. “Breathe…” Natalia run down her fingers in your side, trying to soothe you, “just breathe…”

You focused on her voice, goosebumps erupting every time that her hands brushed your sides. The warmth in her voice was like an old song that you recognized very familiar. Her breath hitting the crook of your neck made your shoulders relax, and only then you closed your eyes.

“We have no more time, she has to know,” a man  with a red cape stated.

“I know that but we can’t tell her, she has to figure out herself,” a woman argued back. “Stephen listen to me, she can not know about this or it won’t happen.”

“You told me once that sometimes one must break the rules in order to serve the greater good,” Stephen defended, quoting the words from Ancient One which he is now talking to.

“But is this for the greater good?” Ancient One retorted eyes trained on him. “We can not interfere …  unless needed,” she hesitated on the second statement but nonetheless Strange was still weary.

You jolted up, eyes wide as you scanned the room you were in, your head was still in a dreamless phase, and Natalia jumped as her head whipped in your direction and she saw the lost in your eyes.

“Hey,” she started quietly.

Her arms was still wrapped around your waist, securing you with all her life. Her back was pressed against the wall of the training quarters, sitting down on the floor with you on her lap.

“How long was I out?” You asked out loud.

“Not long, maybe two minutes,” she guessed but when she saw the look in your face her brow creased. “Why, is there something wrong?” She asked concerned.

You turned and looked at her in the eye. “Who’s the queen of Erilea?”

Natalia didn’t expect this question from you but she answered. “Queen Agatha Harkness, she controls dark magic… wait, why are you asking about her?” She immediately asked in confusion.

“I need you to take me to her,” you blurted out, eyes darting to her confused ones.

“No. She declared war on us, she’s an enemy and I will not take you to her it’s too dangerous,” she argued.

“But I need to talk-”

“No buts, Y/N, end of discussion.”

* * *

“Yes,” Lady Melina stated, smile never faltered as she looked at Natalia.

“What do you mean yes?” Natalia asked back.

“You should take her to Queen Agatha,” Melina continued, which made Natalia look at her in disappointment.

“No, I may have agreed to your plan on me being a spy on their land but I’m not taking the risk of Y/N being anywhere near that Kingdom,” Natalia’s voice somehow became protective and Melina arched an eyebrow towards her. “I know what you’re thinking but it’s not that way,” she added.

“I’m not thinking of anything, m’lady, but trust me when I say I know that look,” she points out.

Natalia groaned, “You may have guided me when they sent Madame B away, but you don’t know what look I am pulling,”

“Ye, I do. I’m your second mother, always remember that,” she reasoned, before going back to the original topic and said, “think about it, Natasha.”

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The Heiress and The Queen [Avengers Medieval Period]Where stories live. Discover now