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Natalia Romanova. Let's see how she's doing.

Well, for starters she's alive, healthy, hot of course *cough* anyways, she didn't actually "die" per se, she was told to do something which is what we're going to find out.

Morning came early, sun was only rising so there was no light that's blinding her sight today. She stood up from the creeky bed, immediately grabbing her armor and sword, placing it on their allotted places.

And then she went out.

For two years, Natalia had been living in a cabin located at the middle of the mountains called Terrance, she was far from any civilization, but closer to danger. She wasn't exactly to be in a place like this seeing as she's the Princess of the most brutal kingdom, but Lady Melina had asked her to do one thing and Natalia never hesitated to do anything that the lady says since she means a lot to her. Let's just say the two are really close to one another.

As Natalia goes deeper down the woods, the hairs on her skin stood up as she heard the slightest sound coming from a racoon just behind her. She turned to look at the animal and she released a heavy sigh.

"I wouldn't really look behind me, but that's you, so..." Natalia turned to look once more to her front and there reveald a lady, wearing a brown hooded cloak paired with dark jeans, and on her right upper tie placed a golden dagger. Royalty. Natalia mentally noted as she continued to look at the lady. The said lady was also carrying a bow and arrow, already prepared for a fight. "I'm Kate by the way, Kate Bishop." She pulled out her hand for Natalia to shake but she just glared at it. "No? Okay." She retracted it back.

The silence was getting awkward for Kate as Natalia glared at her as if her eyes was some sort of a dagger that could easily slice your flesh.

"Okay," Kate took a deep breath, "I'm here to escort you back to the castle."

Natalia scoffed. "You mean my father sent you to look for me in exchange for money?"

Kate eyes widened. "I get a money? As an award?" She was shocked. She wasn't informed that she'd get a money or let alone an award, after all the king of Avalor only mentioned to look for her and in exchange she'd be free to do whatever she wants.

Natalia shook her head in disappointment, walking past Kate as she went back to whatever she was doing. Kate however stood there still processing what she just heard.

"So, Kate." Natalia called out, pulling Kate from her trance as she looked to where she was. "What makes you think that I'll come with you?" She questioned.

Natalia was testing her, she already wants to go back but she's looking for a reasonable thing to go back to, something that'll keep her going, something that will motivate her to fight, 'cause Natalia was on the verge of giving up but somehow, some part of her still didn't want to.

"Uhm," Kate mumbled, following behind Natalia as she carefully thought of something. "Your people needs you." Natalia already knows that so she didn't respond. "No? Okay, uh, this is really hard." Her voice trembled. Kate swallowed thickly. "Your kingdom is in danger?"

"It's been in danger for the last six hundread years." Natasha shot back.

"Okay, noted... Your dog needs you."

"I don't like pets, except horses."

"I have a dog." She retorted quickly, voice sounding cheery to the thought of her dog. "Anyways, your father misses you."

"He's not really my father." She shook her head.

"Oh, family problem? I have that a lot, it's hard though, but if you want to talk to someone I'm right here." She offered nicely amd finally Natalia looked back at her, eyes darting to her own.

"I don't do talks." She shrugged while Kate slumped her shoulders.

Then she smiled, "I think I know how I'll convince you," she stated confidently and Natalia arched an eyebrow eager to know more. "Your father is married."

"You think I don't know t-"

"To Princess Y/N. Yes, your ex-fiancée." She cut her off, eyes narrowing as her lips formed a big smile when she saw the reaction of Natalia.

She became pale, Y/N was married to her father, how could she not know that, how did she miss that. I know she's in the middle of nowhere but news and gossip still can reach to where she was, but somehow she missed this information. It's not that she's inlove to you, but she was feeling pity and guilt since she put you in that place, not her whole fault, but still, if she hadn't gone away then maybe she'd be your wife, right?

Natalia then started brisk walking to the opposite way of where she was going, not in the cabin, not in the woods. She knows, deep down, what to do, she wasn't prepared but that's for the future for now she needs to get back to you, to the kingdom.

"Where are you going?" Kate asked, mirroring the pace of Natalia. "Natalia! I mean Princess—"

She got cut off by the sword that was pointed directly to her throat as her eyes widened in horror.
"How did you get here?" Natalia asked.

"Using a horse what else?" She teased but that didn't ease the tension as she glared at her. "It's this way." She pointed on her left. "But I only have one."

"You'll be fine on the back." Natalia grumbled, looking for the horse.

"But that's my horse." Kate argued, not willing to back down.

"Either you hop in or you'll be fine walking your way back." Natalia retorted, dangerously as she posotioned herself on the sadle of the white palace horse.

Kate didn't have any other choice, so she hop in behind the redhead and sat backwards, back pressed againts the redhead, uncomfortably since she didn't want to face front.

"How did you end up in a place like this?" Kate questioned, bothered about the surroundings as if herself didn't live in the dead islands for ten years. "I'm not judging though, but how?"

"I was looking for someone," Natalia hesitantly replied as the horse started walking.

"Can I ask who?"

"Which kingdom are you from?" Natalia changed the topic, eyebrows furrowing as she did.

"Why?" Kate asked back.

"Your accent is unfamiliar." Natalia retorted, voice sounding monotone.

"I'm from the dead islands." She answered casually and Natasha scoffed.

"Why, what did you do?" She questioned again, fully curious of Kate's history, since the dead islands is where they throw useless people.

"Why did it trigger you when I mentioned the queen's name?" She also changed the subject as if it wasn't that obvious already. "Y/N."

"It's just—" Natasha stopped and hesitated, taking in a few deep breaths before adding, "she was just beginning to trust me and of course the first person that was willing to rely their trust on me, and I don't get that a lot."

Kate sighed, "Yeah, me too. But my dog trust me, so I guess I have one." She raised her index finger and Natalia shook her head in amusement.

"What's the name of the dog?"

"Lucky the Pizza Dog."

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