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So, what does really happen when you form an alliance to a fifteen year old girl? Does it make your life better or whatnot, well, not unless you make them your apprentice then no one would ask questions about why she’s tailing you all the time, and let me tell you the girl is really helpful, she does everything.

You stopped on your tracks, turning to look at the girl behind you, who goes by the name Jules.
“I need you to make someone disappear,” you whispered and she raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. “Can you do that for me?” she smiled at you as her response and you nodded as to dismiss her.

You watched her back as she walks away until she was fully out of sight, and only then did you eavesdrop to the sound that was coming from the other side of the hallway.

Poking your head out of the corner, your eyes landed on two figures, which are Lady Natasha and Lord Alexei. This past few days you noticed that they were spending a lot more time with each other than how it used to be. You’d always find them talking in secluded rooms or even spot Natalia going inside his chancery, and so you did your investigations and turns out they were planning on overthrowing the King and for you they will send you back to Avalor and act as if nothing happened, and the two of them would rule the land but in that matters a war will happen on both sides, and you are not willing for another bloodshed.

Speaking of wars, let me walk you trough the history of Kingdom Avalor and Kingdom Equestria.

It all happened a millennium years ago, whereas two sisters named Ruby and Emerald grew at a small town in Erilea. The two of them was recognized as the "Stone Sisters" seeing as their names was derived from gems, and also because of their beauty and attitude. Elena was good at handling money and leading people, while Emerald was good at combat and making people do things for her, which made them the perfect combinations of sisters. But there grew a fued between them which caused them to be vanished from the kingdom, and at that time the only kingdom there was is Erilea so originally they had no where else to go. Years later, Avalor was ruled by Elena and Emerald ruled Euqestria, both kingdoms were built as a purpose for them to destroy each other, which happened successfully, not until they were both pregnant by one man, which led to an alliance and it became one, but as generations grew, one crown passing it to the other, there grew a war. Till this day forward a war will always happen between the two kingdoms seeing as it’s been happening from the start.

“What happened on marrying her?” Lord Alexei asked in confusion to what Natalia said.

She glared at him. “Do you really think she’ll want to marry me after all I’ve put her through?” She questioned back, eyes narrowing as her jaw clenched.

“Do me a favor and don’t make me dumb as other people here, we both know that you didn’t put her in that position.” Alexei retorted and Natalia side. "Besides, I like her to be my sister-in-law. Not to mention that she's good for you." He wiggled his eyebrows, teasing her and she only made an eye roll.

From your point of view, you rolled your eyes in annoyance. Why would I marry her? You questioned to yourself before deciding to interrupt their conversation by walking past them as you glared at Natalia, eyes narrowing as if she had done something wrong that she wasn’t aware of.

“Lord, Lady.” You acknowledged the both of them, plastering a smile as you proceeded to walk, which Alexei found it a bit suspicious of how you were acting towards the both of them but he decided to keep it to himself as he always preferred to talk to you first before going into any conclusions. Natalia, however, found herself following behind you while keeping her distance since she didn’t want you to know that she was following behinf, but little did she know that you intend for her to follow.

You smirked at yourself when you could hear her footsteps getting heavier by the second.
“Since when did you learn to be a stalker?” You mused without giving her a glance which made her swallow thickly.

“I’m not a stalker, your highness,” she retorted and you smiled.

“Whatever you say m’lady,”

Natalia slightly tilted her head to the side, keeping her pace as even as possible since she didn’t want to walk next to you. “What was the glare for?” She asked and you snickered.

“You followed me to ask that?” You asked back, finally turning to look at her.

She looked at you in the eye, finding out what you were planning since you were never like this. She sighed. “What happened to you?” She asked, voice sounding defeated yet soft at the same time.

“What do you mean happened to me?” You asked absentmindedly and her eyes darted to yours.

“What the hell happened to you?” She spat the words louder this time and you scoffed.

“Well, you happened,” you stated pressing the words tighter. “You asked for my hand in marriage then you left,” you paused for a moment as if waiting for the words to sink in her vocabulary. “I don’t blame you though. . . ‘cause in all honesty, I’d leave myself to.” The words came out the way you wanted to, it was the truth, it was genuine.

Natalia may have always admired your honesty but at this point she wished that you hadn’t spoken that way, that sometimes honesty is never a good thing, that lying is better than honesty, and maybe that way she’d know what to say, she’d know what to do next, but that isn’t the case.

She stood there in front of you, avoiding your eyes which you aren’t used to since she’s always trying to catch your eyes. Why did you say those words again? Oh yeah, right, maybe she’ll make herself vanish and that would make your job easier. Did you want her to be gone? Yes, you do, you don’t even need her, so her presence is no use at all. Really? Yep.

“Can I kiss you?” She asked directly and you widened your eyes but before you could even think of a response, it was too late.

When two lips are connected you would stop breathing right, and it should be scary, but why does it feel good, right even. That whenever she’s with you, you feel as if you haven’t sinned, you feel as if it was right to be with her, as if you were just a simple lady that wasn’t married to the king, that in every touch that she does makes your world spin around faster than anything, and in every glance makes your heart beat louder than anything.

The softness of her lips left yours as the warmth lingered and you slightly whimpered, the coldness wrapping your lips once again. Natalia stared at you, neither of you smiling nor any idea what to say.

But then she left. Again.

She got what she wanted and then left, the audacity of that woman!

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