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You shot up awake from your slumber, breathing was a bit shallow as you stared at the wooden wall in front of you. It took you a while to take in your surroundings and try to familiarize but it seems as if you haven't been here before. You can't even remember how you got here in the first place.

You drag your feet on the floor, slowly walking near the window only to see people walking around dressed in long cloaks, some are wearing pointy hats, and some are riding a broom stick. Your eyebrows furrowed to what you were looking as your head travelled a million miles per second, and when it clicked... you immediately ran out of the room, instinctively looking for Natasha.

“Oh, great, you're awake,” the voice startled you as you look at your side, and there she was, standing on the counter while eating an apple.

“How did I...?” You trailed off, wanting for her to tell you the rest and she did.

“You got drunk. Colton carried you back here all the way from the pier,” she answered, making you look at her in confusion.

“Why didn't you carry me?” You questioned and she raised both of her eyebrows.

“You want me to carry you?” She asked loudly and only then did you realized what you asked.

“I...I-uh... I mean... you carried me before, so I don't see why not," you awkwardly responded and there was a tiny pinch of smirk on her lips.

“Well I couldn't just steal the thunder from Colton," she shrugged at her answer as if she was unsure of what she was saying because deep down, just between you and me reader, she kind of wanted to carry you but...

“Okay,” you retorted slowly while carefully eyeing her as if she stole something from you.

“What?” She asked and you blinked.

“Nothing,” you pushed the feelings down as you looked away from her.

Natasha stopped mid-chew as she looked at you in concern, “Are you okay?” she finally asked and you nodded since you couldn't able to form any response. “Y/N,” she warned as if she knew, but doesn't she always?

The tears gathered in your eyes, ruining your sight as you held them back in place, refusing for them to flow and stain your cheeks. You don't even know why you were feeling like this, or maybe because you were full and you needed to release, but whatever this was about, probably something different, something bigger.

“Look at me,” Natasha demanded and you shut your eyes close before opening them again and blinked for about five times, and only then you looked at her.

“Now that we're here, what do we do next?” You asked her immediately changing the subject.

Her demeanor changed. “Nothing,” she answered, making your eyes go wide.

“What do you mean nothing?”

“We're here to spy so basically we stay low and avoid making any scene,” she explained and you rolled your eyes.

“Spying on what excatly?”

Natash sighed exasperatedly, “you are very dumb for a queen like you,” she stated.

“Ouch,” you faked a hurt expression, making her huff.

You slightly smiled at her but she missed it as there was a knock on the door, interupting the both of you. She looked back at you with wide eyes.

“Are you especting anyone?” You asked her and she slowly shook her head.

“I’ll handle it, you go and change your clothes, I bought you something, it's in the cloak room,” she rushed out as her eyes warned you to not interject and so you didn't.

The Heiress and The Queen [Avengers Medieval Period]Where stories live. Discover now