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“Things are ready for your travel with the Queen tomorrow,” Colton could have sworn by the way how you reacted to what he informed you, despise.

Seated next to Natasha, you scoffed as you rolled your eyes at what he said. Agatha wants you to go back to Equestria with her and with Natasha of course, the Queen will see to it that you will pass down the crown to her and give her the permission to rule the kingdom and only then, the next few things will happen as she planned, but you still don't know that as she likes to keep everyone in the dark.

Natasha puts down one of her killing knives on the table since she was using it to clean her nails, and seriously looked at you. She studies your face. How she saw the way your eyes burned in anger and loath, brows creasing deeper than she had ever seen, and how your jaw tightened as you think through your plans. You picked the skin of your thumb when you felt her staring longer than you'd like and she noticed it but she didn't stop hovering until you'd spare her a glance.

“Walk with me,” you directly replied to Colton as you pushed yourself off the chair.

You didn't spare a quick glance on Natasha and she didn't say anything to stop you even though deep down she'd rather prefer to interject something than to be silenced, but as I said she didn't say anything at all.

Colton walked next to you, waiting for you to start the conversation, he may have had something to say but he respects you that much that he'll wait for what you have to say.

You squint your eyes infront of you. “How long have you been serving the Queen?” You asked him.

“We grew up together but my father sent me away to another Kingdom to learn normal literatures,” he answered simply. You glanced at him for three seconds and you saw how his eyes gleamed as he thought of an old memory. “My father was in service for the late queen Evanora,” he continued and the name seems to get your attention as it automatically clicked in your brain.

“Isn't she the one that burned a body alive?” You questioned and he shook his head with a smile of amusement.

“Aye, but that never happened.” He turned to look at you and you only side glanced him. “She didn't burn a body, it didn't happen as the subject burst out.”

“And that subject, who is it?” You asked eagerly.

“It was her daughter, Queen Agatha. The elders did not want her daughter to learn dark magic but somehow she managed to do it,” he answered and you hummed.

But then, “Does that mean Evanora is not a dark witch?”

“Not really.” He shrugged. “She was a good Witch, not until she encountered the King of Avalor, at that time it was King Howard...let's just say they were not in good terms which created another war.”

You stopped on your tracks. “How do you know all of this?” You asked him suspiciously and he smirked.

“Books, History, Magic,” he said. “I'm not the only one who knows this, your majesty.” When he addressed you with such high manners something clicked.

“My deepest apologies for lying to you about my identity,” you stated geniunely.

“No need, you and I both lied at each other, now we're quits,” he replied, smirk never faltering.

* * *

“The army is ready,” Lord Alexei stated as he approached the King of Avalor and Princess Yelena.

They recieved a letter earlier this day that the Queen of Erilea will be arriving tomorrow afternoon and as the letter says do not let her in at all cause. It seems to be suspicious that they recieved a letter since it was a secret but little did everyone know, even you, Natasha was sending letters from the beginning to inform them of what was happening, she has been doing something behind your back. Even though the letter was anonymous they followed it anyway, they formed their troops and armies at the very front of the palace, of course it isn't enough to stop a witch but it will be enough as a barricade or a delay as Natasha has something planned for this.

“Good, let's all be ready for tomorrow's event,” Tony responded.

“People are evacuated, your majesty,” Kate informed to her father, still not addressing her as one.

“Make sure they will stay inside no matter what happens,” he replied and Kate frantically nodded.

“Aye,” she said before leaving.

He turned to Yelena, a worry in his face as he did so, “I need you to evacuate Y/N once you see her and make sure that she does not interfere to this commotion,” he uneasily informed.

“I will,” she responded, giving him the full reassurance that he needs.

If you were here to listen to their conversation you'd probably fight your way out of it and tell them a lot of excuses that you can handle your self perfectly to fight in a battle, but you're not and if that's the case your father does not trust you at all, not your skills anyway, he understamate you that much, but the question is, can you really fight?

* * *

Natasha's head whipped to the side, her cheek stinging from the slap that she recieved from you.

“Are you out of your mind?!” You half-yelled at her, every inch of you was in anger as you didn't recieve a response.

She glared at you, jaw clenched as she did. “If someone finds out about this letters I can't do anything to stop her from killing you!” You spat, chest heaving up and down. “This could compromise everything you know that damn well, Natalia!”

“If you hadn't been so reckless we wouldn't be in this situation right now!” She yelled back and you scoffed at her response.

“You're calling me reckless? Since when did I became reckless?!” You argued back.

Natasha stayed silent for a while. “Every choice you pick is reckless, everything goes sideways--”

“Because it was your fault,” you cut her off. “I told you that I want to meet Agatha, and you told me we should spy on this damn kingdom, you are the reckless one here, not me!”

Natasha shut off her mouth, only looking at you in the eye in an apologizing manner but you were still high from all the yelling and anger that you released.

You quickly glanced at her cheek and you saw how it reddened by how strong your slap on her skin, and you forgot how sensitive she was that every hit was fast enough to form a bruise. Her eyes was glossy as an after effect of what you did, making you feel more guilt.

“It was the right thing to do,” she stated, almost like a whisper. “Whether you like it or not, sending letters to your father is the best thing to do, they will be ready when we arrive tomorrow,” she firmly added, confidently looking at you in the eye with a cold stone stare and instead of responding you left not wanting any more of this fight.

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