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(⚠️Trigger Warning!: This chapter contains content that some may find uncomfortable or may be sensitive to. Please skip ahead if need be.)


Amira laid across her bed lazily listening to the same song for seemed like the millionth time today. She didn't have any plans today so she spent most of her day by the pool in the backyard.

After seeing what she saw at Eric's house a month ago, Amira was trying hard to just forget it even happened. She couldn't believe that he had moved on. She thought she was special to him. That he loved her.

But she guessed that he got tired of the constant back and forth.

Amira sung along as Miki's voice poured out of the speakers as the record "Baby, Be Mine" spun around and around on the turntable.

"I've been trying to tell myself, I don't need you.
Trying to hold back, the feelings, I feel for you
Knowing in the end there's no future for you and I
I can't tell no lie....Baby, Be Mine."

Amira related to this song so much. She had began to felt like maybe she should just leave him alone for good. Now that another woman was in the picture, it was crystal clear that what they had was over.

Was it really going anywhere to began with? They were just having sex and screwing around anyways...

It they were living together, then it had to be serious. Right?

Amira felt like she had no chance. She'd let go of Richard and that left her feeling more alone than ever. She knew that she couldn't sit around and sulk for the rest of her days but she loved him. But maybe it was her fault for being so stupid and getting wrapped up in all of this in the first place.

Here she was again, in her feelings...

Was it bad that she still wanted Eazy? Even if Leona was still in the picture?

And now that she was thinking about it, the idea of being a side chick wasn't something that she'd normally accept. She was so much better than that.

"When did my standards get so low?" She thinks to herself.

Amira glanced over at the muted television that had her face and business plastered all over it. More pictures of her Eric had mysteriously surfaced and like vultures every media outlet was all over it.

Now everybody would know that there was definitely more than she'd let on in the beginning.

She sighs, hitting the power button on the remote. Despite everything, Amira managed to keep going. Her third album was set to come out in the next few weeks and due to the current buzz, people were out buying and listening to her singles like crazy.

She guessed that all press is good press...

"I can't catch a break." Amira whispers to herself before sitting up on the bed and grabbing the ringing phone off of the hook.

"Hello." She says bluntly.

"Amira are you watching the news? Are you seeing this?"

"Yes Gina. I've seen it." Amira sighs.

"I hate this for you. How are you holding up?"

Amira shrugs and fell back onto her bed. "I guess I'm okay. Music's doing numbers so I guess that all this media crap isn't stopping anything. Or me."

"Forgot what they gotta say girl. You're still here and you're still on top!"

While Amira was at the top, it didn't always feel like it. Her career was going great despite all that'd happened. Being a celebrity came with its perks but it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. People always judging you, trying to pry into your personal life, the constant pressure... a whole lotta, whole lotta.

Loving Eazy || EAZY-E FANFIC {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now