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(Eazy pictured above)


Eric was going out of his way to avoid me or at least it felt that way. I had been trying to talk with him but I couldn't catch up with him for nothing. He was either in a meeting or I was told that he was "busy". I didn't understand why but I felt like I owed him an explanation.

I knew Eric liked me and that he was probably confused when he saw me with Richard earlier.

I had just come off stage when I seen him getting ready to go on. He looked good as usual, dressed in all black tonight. If I wanted to speak with him I knew that this was my opportunity to do so.

I parted ways with the girls and walked over to where he was standing. For some reason I found that I was both fidgety and nervous.

"Eric." I tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me, but he didn't say anything. "Can I speak with you really quick?" I ask.

"About what?" He asks using a tone that I didn't like. Yeah he was definitely pressed about something.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the conversation that he was having with Dre. I knew that he was probably wondering who Richard was and why I was with him. I just wanted to him let know that it was nothing serious.

"Look I already know what you're thinking Eric."

He cuts me off by letting out a chuckle. "Do you?" He asks sarcastically.

I sighed. "I just felt that I owed you an explanation."

He shrugs carelessly and looks at me with steely eyes. "Well you don't. You ain't my woman no way, so don't waste your breath." Eric says in a harsh tone.

I was taken back by his words. This wasn't the Eric that I had grown to know over the past month or so. The guy I knew was both sweet and caring. Now, he didn't seem like he was interested in hearing anything I had to say to him.

He was being a jerk.

"Are you serious?" I questioned.

He looks past my shoulder causing me to look back.

Richard was there waiting for me to get off stage. "I see homeboy over there waiting on you."

I stayed silent not knowing what to say to him in the moment. At first I felt like I had a lot to say but what's the point? He didn't care anyways.

"Good night Amira." Eric says.

And with that, he walks away from me and follows the rest of the guys onstage. I sucked my teeth and turned on my heels to leave.

Richard awaited me with open arms. I smiled trying to hide the fact that my feelings were indeed hurt. I walked into his arms.

"You did great out there babydoll." He says kissing my cheek.

Before walking away, I glanced back at Eric who was now onstage. He was right about one thing.

I wasn't his woman anyways and maybe that was a good thing.
November 9, 1989


Since the night of our last show Amira and I hadn't bothered to speak to one another. I felt that I may have been a little too hard on her about the whole situation. In reality, I was just jealous seeing him touch all over her.

No girl had ever had me bugging out like this before. Ever. It was always the other way around.

I would understand if I had gotten some ass yet, but I hadn't. I was definitely tripping.

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