
224 12 3

September 1990


"So you're not going to answer that?" Gina asks referring to my phone that was ringing for what seemed like the millionth time since I'd gotten to the studio.

I shook my head. "Nope." I said popping the p.

And with that I began writing in my song book again, ignoring the buzzing coming from my purse on the table. I knew that it was Eric ringing my line once again, but I wasn't up for speaking with him right now. Especially with the way he'd been acting towards me.

Danielle reaches for my purse and quickly fishes my cell from it. I glared at her and she shrugged before answering the call.

"Hello?" Dani says putting her feet up on the table in front of her. "What's up Eazy?"

I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. I mouthed the words "Tell him I'm busy." to her while pacing back and forth.

"Amira's busy so you gon have to call back later." Dani says into the phone with a whole lot of attitude. Her face scrunches up and she throws me a look before handing me the phone. "His lil ass is rude as hell."

Sighing, I grabbed the phone from her hands and ended the call before setting it on the table. "I told you that I don't want to talk to him Dani."

"And why not?" Gina asks.

"Because I said so."

Eric had been acting really weird with me lately. I mean I knew we weren't in a relationship but I deserved an explanation. He stopped calling as much, always made excuses, and became really distant towards me. I didn't understand why and it was bothering me. I hadn't done anything wrong so I wasn't sure why he was treating me as if I did. As much as I tried to brush it off like it meant nothing to me, it just did. A part of me was starting to regret getting mixed up with him in the first place because now my feelings were all over the place. I didn't understand how we went from spending all this time together to him barely answering my calls.

All I knew was that I wasn't going to sit around and mope about a man who wasn't mines. I mean of course I cared about him but maybe he was going through some sort of mid-life crisis. Maybe it was another woman. I didn't care. I knew he'd come back when he was ready.

Until then, I was gonna give all my time and attention to Richard. At least he wasn't ignoring me or pushing me to the side as if I didn't matter. We'd actually been spending more time together, even before Eazy began acting all weird. I guess this just gave me even more reason to grow closer to Richard than I already had.

But it wouldn't be me if I didn't give him a little hell for acting funny with me of all people. Which is why I haven't been answering his calls. If he wanted to talk to me? He was gonna be the one waiting this time.

"Well he said he was outside, so you won't have a choice but to see him." Dani says.

"You can't be serious." I questioned.

My heart began to race and my eyes semi-widened. Eric was here? At Capital? I quickly rushed to the window and sure enough his impala was parked right in front of the building. I watched closely as he exited his car and followed my uncle Jerry into the building. So many questions began to flood my mind instantly.

Did my Uncle know about Eric and I? What was Eric even doing here? Was all this about to blow up in my face?

"Shit. Shit." I began pacing back and forth. "Richard is here. Eric can't be here." I said.

"First. You need to calm down." Gina urged. "Second, just pretend like everything is fine. That way nobody will suspect a thing."

"They'll definitely know that something is up if you start acting all nervous and shit. Just chill." Dani urges.

Loving Eazy || EAZY-E FANFIC {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now