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May 1991
New York City, New York


After dropping my sophomore album last month, calls and requests had began to pour in once again. These days I barely got any sleep with the amount of work I'd been putting in. One day I was doing a show, an interview, a photoshoot, an appearance and it sometimes got tiring. I knew it wasn't healthy but But as my wedding date got closer and closer, the more I tried to stay away from home. That and Richard had been acting like an complete ass towards me. One day things were okay and the next he was tripping clean out and being over possessive. It was exhausting and I just didn't want to be near him at all.

Eric would never treat me like this and I knew that I was making a huge mistake by letting him go. I wanted to be with him but Richard was pretty clear. So I've been telling myself that I didn't need him. I still felt like I should've given him an explanation. There were so many words left unspoken but what's the point?

"Amira they're ready for you." My Uncle Jerry says peeking his head into my dressing room.

I nodded and got up from my chair. I headed out of the door and made my way towards the backstage area. First, I started off with a performance of my song "Emotions" which was my most popular single off of the album. Despite how tired of was, I managed to push through my performance anyways.

"Please give Amira a big round of applause please." The host Chris said as I made my way onto the set.

I greeted the audience with a smile and a wave as I made my way across the stage. Eventually I took a load off and shook his hand.

"Its's a honor to have you here." He says.

"Well it's definitely a honor to be here." I said.

He smiles. "So your second album is finally out? Right? Can you explain why it took over a year to be released?"

"This time around I decided to really take my time putting things together. I also had other things going on at the time so it was difficult to focus on just one thing when I had so many things going. With that being said I had to regroup and come back to it. And I definitely put my all into it so I hope everyone enjoys."

The audience begins to cheer again momentarily cutting Chris off from what he was about to say.

"How's the wedding planning coming along? I'm sure that you're excited. He's excited." He says.

I shrugged. "It's coming along great. It's a lot of work but everything's great. And yeah I'm happy." I said keeping my answer short and sweet. Me being happy was almost complete lie but I had to do what was necessary. Some things you just had to keep to yourself.

I was hoping that he wouldn't ask me anymore questions about the wedding. I just wasn't in the mood.

"Okay so there's something that all of us want to know. And I'm sure your fans would really love for you to clear this up." Chris says.

A few pictures of Eric and I from Gina's party popped up on the screen behind us. The picture we took together, pictures of us talking, and him putting the chain around my neck. I knew about them but I chose not to say anything about them. I just didn't feel like I owed anyone an explanation. Eric and I were over and I just didn't want to talk about him anymore. I needed to move on.

"Is there something going on between you two?"

"No." I started. "I can assure you that there's nothing going between Eazy and I."

"Are you sure because you've been spotted together more than once? I know you toured with N.W.A in 89'. How was that?"

"They're incredibly talented and they're great people despite what people may think of them. We're all still friends and Eric and I are friends as well. He's a great person." I said speaking from the heart.

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