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Amira reminded me time and time again that I didn't have to come but I wanted to. I was busy but I always made sure to come and visit everyday. Her mother and Richard weren't too happy about me being there but I cared about her. Nothing could keep me away from her. I'd left her alone once and look what happened. I wasn't doing that again...

We had a bit of alone time today so while I was there, we watched a bit of television and talked about a lot of things. Amira explained what happened and why she eventually started to take pills. I definitely felt for her but let her know that it was other ways to cope with things. Healthier and less harmful ways.

I felt bad for leaving her to deal with the aftermath of the abortion alone. I felt partly responsible for her being laid up here right now but she stressed that it had nothing to do with me.

I was just glad that she was alive and well. Things could've been so much worse. It feels good to be around her and hear her voice again.

"Eric I'm not handicapped. You know I can get it myself." Amira says as I handed her the cup from the table beside her bed.

"Just sit up and let me take care of you." I said as she drank from the straw. She eventually let me know when she had enough and I returned the cup to the table.

"So what's the plan after this?" I asked as I went back to rubbing her feet.

She sighs. "I have to check myself into a program for a while. And a whole bunch of other stuff because they think I'm crazy." She chuckles. "It'll be fine though."

"How long are you going away?"

She shrugs and explained that she wasn't completely sure. Hopefully she'd get better while she was away. Amira was stronger than most and I had a lot of faith in her. She needed to focus on herself and what was best for Amira while in recovery.

"Man am I going to miss you." Amira says softly before grabbing my hand.

"I'm gonna miss you too." I replied squeezing her hand.

I looked into her eyes and leaned in to place a kiss onto her forehead. I felt like I needed to be honest about what had been going on the past few months but it just wasn't the time. I'd tell her the news when she was better.

I heard the door open and looked back to find Amira's fiancé walking into the room. Ricky or whatever his name was. He didn't look too happy about me being there and the frown on his face made that apparent.

"What is he doing here?" He questions, walking past me like I wasn't there. "I thought I told you-"

"Because I want him here." Amira says. "Eric's been great company." Amira looks at me with a smile.

"I'm sure." He turns around to face me. "She doesn't need you anymore. Amira and I are getting married. So whatever you two had going on? It's over."

"Richard." Amira starts.

"Amira." He says in a stern tone. "It's over."

"Why you let him treat you like that?" I asked Amira. "You deserve better than that."

I didn't understand why she allowed him to speak to her like that. It's like he had some hold on her or something. It was clear that she was unhappy with him. Why not just leave? Why would she stay with somebody she didn't want?

"Eric leave it please. Just go." She says nodding her head. "I'll be fine. I promise."

Again. Amira had made her choice a while ago and that wasn't me. I wasn't upset about it, but kind of disappointed that she still refused to do what made her happy. Amira was always so hung up on making sure that she did what others wanted her to do at the expense of her own feelings and well-being.

Loving Eazy || EAZY-E FANFIC {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now