
166 11 0

March 1991


"Oh darling. Stop frowning. You're going to look beautiful." My mother said excitedly as she browsed through the many dresses on the rack.

I rolled my eyes and got down from the platform in the middle of the bridal shop. All this talk about this wedding was beginning to drive me up the wall. I'm telling you if I have to try on another gown I'm going to lose my shit.

For the most part, I didn't want to go through with this wedding. I had been trying so hard to convince myself that I loved Richard. I mean I did at point but after everything that happened at my place a couple of months ago, I didn't feel the same about him. It was like he was a completely different person. Maybe I'd feel different after the wedding. Who knows?

I couldn't believe I'd let my mother convince me to marry a man I didn't even love. After I promised myself I'd stay true to who I was and make my own decisions. Because as much as I tried to convince myself, I would rather be with Eric. I hadn't seen or spoken with him since I broke things off a couple of months ago. I really missed him but he wasn't good for me. But if we were being honest, neither was Richard, but I'd take Eazy over him anyday. Hell, maybe I was trying to convince myself that he wasn't too. Richard wasn't Eazy and he'd never made me feel the things Eric did. And that was just the truth...

"Amira you look miserable." Gina says.

Dani nods. "Explain why you're going through this anyways? Girl you know that you love Eazy's lil ass."

I chuckled while motioning for her to unzip the dress I was wearing. "I wish I could give you an answer to that question. Unfortunately I don't have one."

"Amira you're not happy. And anybody could see that. This isn't right. He can't just do this to you. You have to do something." Gina urges.

"I can't Gina. If I don't do this I'll lose everything I've worked hard for. Everything I've done this far will be for nothing and I just can't deal with losing it all." I shrugged.

"But you love Eazy." Dani says.

"Eazy doesn't want to marry me and Richard does. I knew what I was getting myself into and I ended up catching feelings anyways. So it's my fault."

Dani pulls me into a tight hug, which Gina eventually joined as well. Having my girls here with me was everything. The thing I loved most about them was that they always remained honest with me. They always tried to give me the best advice they could and for that, I really loved and appreciated them.

"Thanks. I appreciate you two for everything." I said pulling back from the hug. "Really."

I decided to get back into my own clothes and just give this wedding dress shopping a break after looking for a dress all morning. And also, I need an excuse to get away from my mother so the girls and I decided to leave and get some food. I was pretty content with my mother doing all the work since I really wasn't concerned about her or this wedding she was so excited about.

About an hour later, we found ourselves in a Waffle House just talking and cracking jokes. Being with them definitely took my mind off everything I'd been stressing about.

"You're welcome beautiful." I said to a fan I'd just signed an autograph for.

I took my seat back at the table, rejoining Danielle, Gina, and the conversation we'd been having.

"So how's the album coming along?" Danielle questions.

"It's great. Should be done in a month or so. But it's really great so far." I replied digging back in my food. "Richard has been on my case about me finishing it. I feel terrible, the album was supposed to be out months ago. It's just been a lot going on." I shook my head.

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