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Richard knocks on Jerry's office door and didn't bother to wait until he invited him in. He strolls in and take a seat at the desk across from him.

It'd been three days since he'd spoken with Amira and he still had no luck with trying to get in touch with her. Amira never bothered to tell him where she was going or who she was going with, which wasn't like her. Nobody had answers for him: not her mother, not her friends, so he was hoping Amira informed Jerry of where she had run off to. Richard had been blowing Amira's phone up with no luck of getting in touch with her. Not only was he a little pissed, but he was worried more than anything.

"I assume you're here about Amira?" Jerry asks.

He knew that someone was gonna eventually show up to his office but he didn't have any answers. He was just as clueless as everybody else.

"It's not like her to just run off like this and not say anything." He says getting straight to the point. "Did Amira tell you where she was going?"

" You're aware that Amira is an adult now right?"Jerry questions not bothering to look up from his paperwork on his desk. "And to answer your question, no she didn't tell me where she was going,"

"She can't just run off and leave her responsibilities behind. You're her manager and uncle. You need to do your job or I will find somebody to do it for you." He threatens leaning up in his chair.

"You're threatening me?" Jerry asks taken by his tone.

Richard narrows his eyes and throws daggers at him letting him know that he was indeed serious.

He was just about over Amira and the games that she was playing with him. In the beginning things were great and she was in love with him but things had definitely changed in the past year and a half. One minute she was all over him and the next she was distant and wouldn't return his calls. As much as he didn't want to think about the possibility, he had to consider the fact that she'd probably found someone else. "Who" was the question that he desperately wanted an answer to.

"Amira is seeing someone else, but I'm not sure who it is." Richard says.

Jerry raises his head up to look at him as soon as those words left his lips.

Maybe it wasn't a coincidence that Eric hadn't bothered to show up to Ruthless the past few days, Then again, that was sort of normal for him anyways. Still, he wanted to try and give the two the benefit of the doubt. Eric had agreed to lay off Amira but with them both missing, it was obvious that the two of them had been sneaking around this entire time.

"You knew that already didn't you?" Richard questions angrily. "And you didn't even bother to say anything!"

Jerry stands up from his chair making Richard stand defensively at the same time. "You may wanna see yourself out of this office and this building altogether. You may have everybody around here but you don't have me."

Richard chuckles before throwing his hands into the air in surrender. He chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Fine." He starts. "But I expect to hear from you by the end of today."

September 7, 1990
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

"Thanks." Amira says to the worker as he rolled the cart in. She gives him a tip for his service and walks him back to the door before locking it behind him.

Loving Eazy || EAZY-E FANFIC {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now