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Derek's POV

"Mer wake up! We overslept! We have to leave in 30 minutes if we want to catch our plane." I lightly shake Meredith awake and rush to the bathroom. I step under the shower and forget to lock te door. Not a minute later she rushes into the bathroom as well.

"Ow, shit, sorry Derek."

"No, no problem. Come in we have to get ready fast." 

When I step out from under the shower I make sure to cover myself up quickly. We switch positions. I step in front of the mirror and Meredith takes a quick shower. I can see her through the mirror but I have to force myself not to stare at there beautiful body. I shake it out of my head and finish doing my hair and brushing my teeth. I rush out of the bathroom to get dressed and I pack all of our things up. When Meredith comes out of the bathroom she is completely dressed she puts her final belongings in her handbag. Meredith does one last check around the room and finds my wallet. 

"Don't you need this." She smirks

"God, thanks" I sigh in relief. I give her a quick kiss and we head out of the room. I call for a cab and we are on our way to the airport. 

Luckily the airport is not very busy so it does't take us long to check our bags in and to get on the plane. We sit down in our seats and I can see Meredith tense up. She starts to wiggle with her leg and she is fidgeting with her fingers. I put my hand on het thigh to stop her leg from shaking.

"Mer. What's wrong?" 

"I just- I am not a fan of flying." She admits.

"How come?"

"I always have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I am on a plane. I always think the plane is going to crash and then we will die."

"Oh mer." I give her a hug. "Those things almost never happen. The chance of the plane crashing is so small I'll bet my life on it." 

"That's not funny Derek." She says, a frown on her face. 

"I'm sorry Mer." I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. "I promise that when we are ever in a plane crash I will protect you with all I have."

"Thank you Der." She smiles and leans into me.

The plane starts to move and her entire body tightens and a scared look washes over her. I give her my hand and she holds on tight. Her nails dig in the skin on top of my hand and they leave marks. She squeezes my hand hard until we are up in the air and she lets go.

"Look what you did." I chuckle showing her the blood that is coming from my hand.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Der." She looks concerned and takes my hand to clean the blood with a paper towel. She presses a kiss on the little claw marks. 

"It's fine Mer. Don't you worry." I laugh. 

We talk for a while before I can feel my eyes getting heavy. Before I know it they shut closed and I fall asleep. I don'k now how long I'm out for but I get woken up by little kisses all over my face. I slowly open my eyes and see her beautiful greens staring at me. 

"Hey Der. We're about to land" 

*In the taxi*

No one's POV

"Mer, where do you want to go? Do you want to go home or back to my place?" 

"I think I am just going to go home. If you don't mind."

"Of course not" He smiles. Derek gives the taxi driver Meredith's address and within 10 minutes they arrive at their front door. Derek insists on walking her to the front door. He tells the taxi driver to wait a few minutes and takes Meredith's luggage out of the back of the car. He walks her up to the front door and puts the luggage down. Her back is facing him while she is trying to find her keys. When she finally found them she unlocks the door. Before she can grab her luggage Derek grabs her by her wrists and turns her to face him. 

"Meredith. Are you okey?" 

"Yes of course. Thank you so much for coming with you Derek. Despite everything I had a Wonderfull time." A huge smile is plastered on both of their faces. Derek leans in and presses a tender kiss to her lips. She deepens the kiss and wraps her arms around his neck. Derek slides her bottom lip and she opens her mouth. Their tongues fight for power but in the end Meredith gives up and Derek's tongue explores her mouth. They only pull away when the need for air becomes too great. Meredith shoots Derek a smile and grabs her luggage. "Bye Derek." She says in a naughty voice. She closes the door behind her and Derek walks back to the cab. He chuckles to himself thinking about the girl her just dropped off. 

*The next morning at school*

"Crap" Meredith exclaims. She bumps into Derek in the parking lot. "Crap?" Derek sounds confused. 

"Hi. I'm late."

"You're avoiding me!" 

"Yes, but also late"

"Are we going to talk about this?" He asks her while they rush inside. 

"No" she states.

"About what happened in Boston."

"I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it, naked." Emphasizing  the word 'naked'.

"This is getting complicated." Derek says while they walk down the hall.

"Yes, it is."

"Not that that's a bad thing. If I was a better guy I'd walk away." He smirks

"Yes you would"

"Do you want me to be a better guy?" He asks her hoping she will give her the answer he is looking for. 

"Yes" They reach Derek's office and he opens the door.

"No" She corrects herself.

Derk turns back around, facing Meredith. Their bodies are inches apart. "Crap" Meredith exclaims again. She raises her shoulders "I'm late" she mentions as she walks away. 

"Take your time." He shouts. "Think about it." He turns to his office and his workday starts.

*Second update of the day! Hope you still like to story. Let me know what you think so far. What do you think? What will Meredith decide? Will they get together?*

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