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* 4 months later*

"Urgh" It's already 4.30pm and Meredith is still at school. She had a very long day and she still has a huge pile of tests to grade. Her students were absolutely horrible today and to make matters worse she forgot her lunch at home so she is starving. She is tired and so over this day so she decides to put a pin in it and just head home. The only thing she craves right now is a nice, hot bath. Well that and a meal. She is about to head out of her classroom when she hears footsteps running towards her. She takes a look down the hallway and sees her sister running towards her, crying.

"Lexie, is everything allright? What is going on?" She asks, a worrying tone in her voice.

"I-I-I'm so sorry to bother you at work Mer but I went to your house first and you weren't there so than I called you but you didn't answer so then I came here." She sniffles. 

"Hey Lex, come one lets go inside and then you can tell me what is going on."

The sisters wal back inside the classroom and Lexie takes a seat in the chair behind Merediths desk. Meredith takes a seat on the desk and she lets Lexie talk.

"It's Mark. Last night he went to Joe's with a couple of guys form work." She sniffles. "It was already late, way later than the time he normally comes home after a night out, so I decided to call him up. The first time I called he didn't pick up so I called a second time. After it went over a couple times it was not Mark who picked up the phone. It was some girl named Callie or something." Lexie starts crying again.

"Oh Lex. There is probably a perfectly good reason why a girl picked up Marks phone." She says. She hops of the desk and gives Lexie a hug. Lexie tightly grabs onto Meredith and sobs into her shirt. Meredith can feel her shirt soaking but she doesn't care. 

"I-I, The biggest worry is that this is in fact something Mark could do. I mean you know his past. You know how he was before he met me." 

"Lexie." Meredith sighs. "Yes. Mark has a past, but sinds he met you he has changed so much. In a good way. He loves you so, so much and he would never cheat on you. And I know you know that."

"I know, you're right. I just... why?... Why would a girl pick up mark's phone?"

"I don't know but why don't you go home and find out?"

"I don't know if I'm ready for that confrontation right now. I have been crying all day."

"I believe in you Lex. I know you can so go home and just ask Mark where he was last night."

"Alright..." Lexie lets out a heavy sigh. "I am going home and I am going to talk to Mark." And by that she stands up and gives Meredith a final hug. "Thank you Mer"

"Wow... what just happend?" Meredith asks herself. She is completely in shock of the things that just happend. She is angry with Mark even tho she doesn't know what really happend. She doesn't know why but she feels like she has to call up Mark. 

"Hey big Grey! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Mark! Where were you yesterday?!" Meredith is not far from yelling.

"I... I don't know what you mean."

"Lexie just visited me crying her eyes out. Apparently she tried to call you last night but a woman picked up your phone. She has been crying over this all day." 

"Mer It's not what you're thinking..."

Meredith doesn't let Mark finish. "What the hell were you thinking? You know what? Don't tell me, tell Lexie. She will be home any minute."

"Mer wai-"

Meredith hangs up the phone all worked up by Mark. She packs her bag and heads out, down to her car. She is so ready to leave this day behind...

Lexie's POV

I finally get home. I sit in the car for a little while longer, building up the courage to confront the man I love, the love of my life. This is going to be a hard conversation but I cannot let this slip. I have to hear what Mark has to say for himself because if I don't I will keep eating me up. 

"MARK" I fling the door open and storm inside. I see Mark jumping up form the couch and walking towards me. "Damn it Mark! You better have a REALLY good explanation of what happened yesterday because if you don't I am going to kill you. And don't you dare think I won't because I will. Jeezus Mark I can't believe you how could you do this to me?!" Lexie is beyond pissed at this point. She is pacing back and forth rambling on. 

"Lexie, slow down. I have no idea what you are talking about." Mark puts his hands on Lexie's shoulders and stops her from pacing through the living room. He has a confused look on his face.

"So you are lying to me now? How dare you stand there and ignore the fact that you spent the night cheating on me with some woman you probably met at Joe's."

"Cheating on you?!" Mark is getting angry to. He has no idea where all of this is coming from. "I've never cheated on you. I would never in my entire life cheat on you. I love you, I am in love with you. I would never. Where is all of this going from?"

"Yesterday, when you went out with the guys. It was getting unusually late so I decided to call you, ask if everything was alright. When I rang you for a second time a woman picked up the phone. She introduced herself as Callie... or something. I was so mad I immediately hung up the phone."

"Oh honey. This is all one big misunderstanding." He chuckles to himself. 

"Mark don't laugh! What do you meen misunderstanding?"

"Yesterday, after we finished drinking at Joe's I was way too drunk to drive home. I was waiting for a cab for way too long so I figured I would just spend the night in an on-call room at the hospital. I was very tired so I probably fell in a really fast sleep and I must have missed Callie coming in the room. I didn't cheat on you. And definitely not with Callie. Callie is a new Ortho attending at the hospital. We've actually become pretty good friends over the past couple of weeks."

"Friends... just friends...? I ask.

"Yeah... just friends."

"And you didn't cheat on me?"

"No definitely not."

"If you ever cheat on me I'll kill you. I mean it. Say it"

"Okey. I will never cheat on you."

"Okey" Mark embraces Lexie in a tight and loving hug. He is surprised that she actually thought he was cheating on her but he is happy they're okey now. 

"Wan't to go to bed? You look tired."

"Yeah let's go."

Mark lifts me up and I can't help but to giggle and give my boy over to his embrace. He carries us to the bedroom and he lays me down. He tugs me under the covers and walks over to the other side of the bed. He slips under the covers and curls up behind me. God I can't believe I doubted Mark. He became a wonderful man and I love him.

*So here's another update for you guys. I have been updating daily the past week but that is because covid got to me. I am finally Covid free so from now on I have to go to school again. The updates will still be coming so don't worry and stay tuned!

On another note. What do you think of the story so far?  What holds the future for Meredith? Let me know!* 

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