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Derek's POV

I'm sitting in my office. The last few days have been horrible. I only got to see Meredith during lunch breaks at work. I miss her, a lot. I want to be together more often. I want to see her every time I get out of work and when I wake up.

Meredith walks into my office.

"Hey, Der." She walks up to me and sits sideways on my lap. She kisses me and cuddles into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

"Something wrong?" I ask her while brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"No, I just missed you." She says and snuggles even deeper into me.

"I know, It's been hard. I've missed you too, so much."

"Our lives are just so busy. I wish there was some wiggle room so that we can spend a little bit more time together."

"Move in with me." I mumble

"What?" she looks up.

"I mean it, move in with me!" I say excitedly.



"Yes. Of course, I would love nothing more than to live with you." She smiles widely.

"really?!" I lift her up and spin her around. I can't believe it. "Oh Mer, you make me soo happy!" I kiss her all over her face and put her back on the ground. We stay in my office a little longer enjoying the decision we just made.

*A little later*

Meredith is sitting on the couch in my office. She is looking at some homework her students did last period.

"So Mer, we have to talk." I walk over to her and sit next to her. We have each other.

"What's wrong Der, you're scaring me."

"No don't worry Mer." I chuckle. "We just have to discuss our relationship. It's obvious we are in a serious relationship, and I want to be. But maybe it's time to tell some people about it. I know you wanted to keep it a secret in the beginning but I would love to tell people about the woman I love." I smile

"God Der, you scared me! Of course we can tell people about us! I love you and I want people to know you're mine!"

"I'm so glad to hear that. So who should we tell first?" I ask excitedly.

"We should tell Mark and Lexie. Lexie is all stressed out about her upcoming wedding. It's in a month and I think she can use the distraction." I laugh.

"Alright. We will go over there tonight, after work. I can't wait!" I say as I walk up to her and take her face in my hands. I kiss her passionately. The sound of the bell interrupts us and we pull away. Meredith walks out of the office and I watch her leave.

*After work*

Derek picked me up from my classroom and we went to Mark and Lexie's house. I was kind of nervous. What would they think about me and Derek dating? I guess Lexie is kind of expecting it sinds I told her about our first kiss. And our time in Boston of course.

We arrive at the house and we walk up to the front door. "Derek, I'm nervous"

"Mer don't worry. There's nothing to be nervous about. Even if they don't like us dating I will still love you." He pecks my lips and knocks on the door.

"Hey Derek!" Mark opens the door and greets his best friend. "Mer, what are you doing here?" He asks as we all walk inside. 

"Lex, Hi!" I walk over to my sister and give her a big hug. "How have you been?"

"I've been great, thanks. A little stressed out because of the wedding but other than that I'm good."

"That's so good to hear." 

I walk over to Derek and I look at him. He gives me a reassuring look and clears his throat.

"Uhm... I-We have an announcement to make." He starts and grabs my hand. "Meredith and I are dating." 

Lexies eyes go wide. "What?! That's amazing!" She walks over to us and hugs us both. "I'm so happy for you guys. I kind of expected it tho." She smirks.

I laugh. I am glad Lexie and Mark aren't acting weird or something. I was so worried about their reactions but in this moment I can't even remember why.

"Derek, my man. You finally found someone who's good for you." Mark walks over to Derek with a smile on his face and gives him a brotherly hug. "Thanks Mark." Derek answers.

"But there's more." I say excitedly. "Derek just asked me to move in with him...and I agreed"

"Guys! This I didn't expect, but it's still amazing!" Lexie exclaims. 

Derek has a wide smile on his face and looks down at me. He packs my lips and whispers to me. "It is kind of amazing, isn't it." 

A my smile grows even wider and I am soo happy. I'm excited and I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life. 

The rest of the evening goes smoothly. Derek and Lexie cooke dinner while Mark and I catch up with each others lives. When dinner is ready we eat and drink. We play games and put some music on. 

*Later that evening*

"Mer, are you ready to go home?" Derek asks me. 

"Yes, please." I am so exhausted from this long but fun evening. 

Derek grabs our coats and takes my hand. "I had a great time. Thanks Lex, thanks Mark." I give them both a hug and they lead us out of the door. We head down to Derek's car and he drives us to his place. We head straight up to bed and we undress. Derek changes into fresh boxers and grey sweatpants, no shirt. I change into one of Derek's t-shirts, no pants and no bra. 

We lay down under the covers and Derek wraps an arm around me. He pulls me closer to his chest and he holds me tight. 

"So what exactly were you nervous about?" He chuckles.

"I don't even know. I am glad they accepted us and are happy for us." I mumble.

"I am too." He whispers back and kisses my temple. He rests his head right next to mine on my pillow and we fall asleep. Safely in each others arms. 

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