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Derek's POV

It's about a week later and it's Saturday. Today is the day Meredith is officially moving in with me. We're at there house sorting through all her things. We made boxes full of clothes and other belongings and I carried them to my car. She is packing the last few items and then we can finally say we live together. 

The car is completely full and we drive to my, our, house. Meredith opens the door with the key I gave her last week. We walk in and carrie the boxes up the stairs. It all feels so unreal. I always dreamed of living with the girl I love but I gave up on that dream a long time ago. 

"Der. I am going to unpack everything but I thought maybe we can go out to dinner tonight?" 

"Sounds amazing Mer. Can I help you with unpacking?"

"I don't really think so. Most of the stuff has to go into the closet and I prefer to do that myself." 

"Alright. I'll be downstairs if you need me" I smile and walk back down. The house is a bit of a mess and I start cleaning it. We both finish around the same time and it is time for dinner. We change into nice clothes and head out the door. I called a restaurant and we arrived. 

"Right this way sir" the waiter showed us to our table and we ordered drinks. 

The waiter came back with our drinks and we ordered our food. When the food came we immediately started eating and it tasted amazing. We enjoyed our evening with just the two of us. 

*Later that night, back home*

We were sitting on the couch. Meredith finally agreed to watch an action movie with me. I know she doesn't really enjoy it but I've watched one too many romcoms for a while. Meredith's head is resting on my lap. her face is facing the tv and I run my hands through her hair. I love fiddling with her hair, it calms me down. 

The movie is finally done and I keep sitting in my place. My fingers are still tangled in her hair.

"So, what'd you think of the movie?" 

She doesn't answer but instead I hear little snores escape her mouth. I chuckle. How can she sleep while watching an action movie? She must be really tired. I gently lift her up and hold her tight. I bring her over to our bedroom and lay her down. I undress her and change her into one of my button ups. I tuck her under the blankets and I chance into some pyjama pants. I crawl next to her in bed and pull her close. "Good night, I love you" I whisper near her ear and I fall asleep.

Meredith's POV

I wake up the next morning and Derek's arms are wrapped around my waist. I slowly pull out from under him and get out of bed. I notice I'm only wearing one of Derek's button ups and smile to myself. Derek is so thoughtful. 

I go downstairs and start making breakfast. Derek taught me how to make pancakes so I start on the batter. I put some in the pan and make a few pancakes. I am dancing and singing to the music on the radio when I feel two strong arms wrap around me. 

"Good morning" He whispers in my ear while he rests his head on my shoulder. "How was your sleep?" 

"It was good, what about you?"

"It was good. Not as good as this smell tho." He smells the pancakes. 

"You can take them I made them for us." I smile and finish the last batch of pancakes. I plate them and Derek gabs the syrup and fruit and puts it on the table. We have breakfast together and he gets ready to go to the gym. I stay home and clean the house. It's a mess. I clean the kitchen and our bedroom. Then I clean the bathroom and the living room. 

After the entire house is clean again I go outside into our garden. The sun is shining bright and the temperature is perfect. I lay down on one of the chairs and close my eyes. The sun hits my face and I put on some music. I enjoy the weather until I hear the front door open. Derek is home. His sweaty body moves closer to me and his lips touch mine. "Hi" He whispers.

"Hi." I giggle. "How was the gym?"

"It was good. Mark and I did some weight lifting and after we ran 5 miles on the treadmill. It was nice to hang out with Mark again."

"Good, I'm glad." I smile and lean up to kiss him briefly. "But now you have to shower. You stink." I chuckle and hit his arm playfully. He chuckles and moves into the house, to take a shower. 

*Later that evening*

Derek's POV

We're sitting around the kitchen table. Two glasses of wine, some chips and the card game UNO lays on top. Music is playing in the background and Meredith is giggling. I love it when she giggles. 

"Your turn!" She exclaims. 

I throw a blue six on top of a green 6. She sighs and looks slightly disappointed. This was a great card to ruin Merediths plan. I chuckle to myself. Meredith has to draw a card and it's my turn again. I play my second to last card and call UNO. Meredith changes the color to red but that's exactly what I needed. I throw my red 4 onto the pile and stand up. "I win" I grin. 

"Again! How can you ALWAYS win?" 

"Im just that good" I smirk jokingly. 

"I don't want to play with you anymore." She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. 

I chuckle. Meredith is such a bad loser. It's cute. "Fine, what do you want to do?" 

"I don't know. Let's just sit on the couch." 

We move to the couch and I sit down. Meredith sits on my lap and cuddles into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. Having Mer in my arms feels good, safe. It feels so safe. And warm. And a million things more. It feels amazing. I kiss the top of her head and we stay like this for a while. I can feel Merediths breath slow down and little snores escape her mouth. She looks so peaceful curled up into my arms. I stay still, not wanting to wake her up and make myself comfortable. I'll stay still forever if it ment having Meredith curled up into my chest. 

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