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Derek is still asleep in the guest bedroom in Meredith's apartment. As soon as the sun peeks through the curtains, he slowly wakes up. He keeps his eyes closed a little longer and turns around, pulling the blanket that is covering him extra tight around him. He looks up at his alarm clock and sees it is only 8 am. He decides to get out of bed to make Meredith some breakfast again. Before he does so he takes a shower. 

He slips out of his pyjama, consisting only out of an old t-shirt and his boxers. He steps under the steaming hot water and fully embraces the warmth of the water. He soaps his body up and washes his hair. When he is done he steps out and wraps a towel around his waist. He walks over to the sink and brushes his teeth. He blowdries his hair, he hopes he didn't wake up Meredith, and styles it. He dries himself off and puts on his favorite cologne. He walks back to the guest bedroom, only wearing a fresh pair of boxers, and dresses himself is some comfortable clothes. He has to fly back to New York in a couple of hours and he hates wearing jeans in a plane. He packs up the rest of his belongings and cleans the room. 

He wants to make Meredith some breakfast but she had no time to go to the store because the fridge is still empty. He really wants to make her some pancakes so he decides to head down to the store. When he comes back he immediately starts working on the food. It's already 9.30 pm so there is a good chance Meredith will be down any second. He makes the pancake batter and brews a fresh pot of coffee. He is about ready to put some batter in the pan on the stove when he hears Meredith come down the stairs.

"Good morning" She says while standing in the opening of the door leading to the kitchen. "What are you making?"

"Oh just some breakfast for us. Pancakes!" 

"Pancakes?" she asks looking confused."Did I have the stuff to make pancakes?"

"No the fridge was practically empty." he laughs. "But I went to the store to get the ingredients. I also brought you some more food to fill the fridge."

"Wow thanks." Meredith opens the fridge and looks at all the delicious food Derek brought her home. "You didn't have to do that. How much do I owe you?"

"Oh no problem. The food is on me. See it as a thank you, for letting me stay here the last couple of day's." He smiles at her. "The pancakes are about ready. Are you hungry?"

"Definitely. I'm surprised I don't have a hangover after last night but I can definitely use some hangover breakfast." She chuckles and grabs two plates out of the cupboard.

Meredith hands the plates over to Derek, who puts some pancakes on them and brings them over to the tabel. Meredith bings over the utensils, syrup and the fruit. 

"Mmmm... These are amazing! Meredith moans at the taste of the freshly made pancakes. "Where did you learn how to cook like this?" 

"My father tough me when I was younger. At our home it was a tradition to have pancakes every Sunday morning. All of us would make sure we were there so we could spend some family time together. When we got older our lives got crazier so that one morning a week got very important for us."

"Wow, that sounds amazing. Tell your father thanks for teaching you because now I can enjoy them to." She giggles.

They finish their breakfast and clean up the table. They put the dirty plates in the dishwasher and clean up the rest of the kitchen.

"At what time is your flight?"

"My plane leaves at 2 pm so I'm going to leave around 12.30." 

"Allright. I'm going to take a bath and relax for a bit. Feel free to do whatever you want. If you need me you can just knock on the bathroom door."

"Okey thanks. I think I am going to hang out with Mark before I have to go back to New York. I'll see you later!"

They both head their own directions and enjoy the time before Derek has to head back home. Meredith takes a relaxing bath and Derek meets up with Mark. 

Derek tells Mark about his the changes in his life. He tells him about how he got into a relationship with this woman, Rose. She is a barista at his regular coffee shop. It went okey for a while, but after 3 months Derek didn't feel the connection so he decided to break up with her. Rose went all crazy on him. She did everything in her power to burn him down because apparently he 'completely destroyed her life.' It got so out of hand he even had to change coffee shops.  

Mark just laughs at his best friends misery, thinking about how lucky he is he met the most amazing girl. They talk again for a little while longer before Derek has to head back to Meredith's. 

"Mark, It was so good to see you. I am going to miss you when I'm back in New York. Thank you so much for today and I will see you at the wedding!"

"Yeah man I a going to miss you to. Say hi to mom for me!"

"I will. Bye" Derek and mark give each other a brotherly hug before Derek takes a cab back to Meredith's apartment. 

Derek walks up to the front door and rings the bell. Meredith opens the door and Derek heads to the guest room to grab his luggage. He checks the room for any missed clothes and then closes the door. He puts his suitcase near the front door and walks over to the couch where Meredith is currently sitting. 

"So I just called a cab to take me to the airport. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay here, and sorry for Mark for forgetting to book a room for me and all."

"Oh it was lovely to have you. Besides you made me delicious breakfast." she smiles up at him. "As for the cab, let me take you to the airport. It's really no big deal."

"That would be great thanks you!" He smiles at the thought of spending a few more minutes with Meredith. "I think we do have to leave right about now if I want to catch my plane on time."

Meredith grabs her coat and they head out the door. After a short drive they arrive at the airport. The drive to the airport was fun. They talked some more about their personal lives and they refreshed the memories of last night. 

"So here we are. Thanks again for the last couple of days. I know it was all very last minute but I had a good time." 

"Again, It was not a problem. I liked having some company over. I hardly have anyone staying over so It was a nice change." 

They give each other a tight hug. It feels weird that they have only known each other for 3 day's and they are allergy giving each other a tight hug. They give each other a final smile before Derek heads inside the airport. During his walk he turns around once more and waves to the girl he just met, but is going to miss. It's too bad they are probably never going to see each other again...

Once Upon An Us-MerDerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum