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No one's POV

Derek woke up to a sound coming from the bathroom. Meredith was throwing up again. He walked over to the bathroom door and lightly knocked. 

"Mer, honey...are you okey?" 

No answer.

"I'm coming in" He says as he opened the door and walked in. He saw his beautiful girlfriend sitting in front of the toilet, her head resting on the toilet seat. "Oh Mer..." He rubbed her back and held her hair up until she was done throwing up. He hugged her tight and lifted her up. Meredith washed her mouth and they went back to the bedroom. 

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" Derek asked concerned. 

"I-yeah I guess it's better to tell you know" She lets out a big sigh and leads them over to the bed. "Please sit down." She asks Derek. Meredith knows this is going to come as a shock to him. She walks over to her nightstand and grabs something out of it. She goes and sits down besides Derek. She turns so that they are facing each other. 

"So..." She starts. She can see fear and confusion in Derek's eyes. 

"It's alright, you can tell me" Derek reassures her. 

"So... as you might have noticed I have been throwing up a lot." Meredith hesitates. Is this the way to tell him. Is this the way to tell him his life is going to change forever? "So the throwing up has a reason and I am going to give you something in a second but first I want to tell you something. Please know that I respect and accept the choice you will make. Don't feel pressured to do the right thing."

"Mer you're scaring me" His voice sound afraid. 

"I-We...we're..." Meredith can't find the words so she reaches behind her back and thrusts something in Derek's hands. 

Derek looks confused but then his eyes go wide. His beautiful blues tear up and he looks over at Meredith. "You're pregnant?" He whispers.

"Yes, I'm pregnant." Meredith's eyes are filling with tears as she looks at Derek. 

"I...I can't believe this! this is amazing!" He exclaims. He reaches forward and kisses Meredith on the lips before hugging her tightly. 

"You really thing so?" She asks him while her head is buried in his chest. 

"Yeah... I mean it is a little early and we haven't talked about these kind of things but it is pretty special don't you think?"

"I-I'm just so, so scared Der..." Meredith mumbles. "I don't know how to be a mother. What if I'm terrible? what if I ruin our child?" 

"Don't be. No need to be scared, really." Derek chuckles. "I am sure you will be amazing. We will be amazing"

"I hope so..."

"This baby will be perfect. You will be a great mother and you don't have to worry about me because I am going to stay with you forever. We will raise this baby together and it will be great. It will be the best thing that has ever happened to us. And yes, sometimes it will be hard. Sometimes you will hate it but in the end it's all worth it, I promise."

Derek keeps holding Meredith tight. They stay in each other's arms for a little while before Derek gets up and starts making them some food. Tomorrow they had to go back to work again so today they are going to spend the day relaxing and getting used to the idea of a baby. Their baby. They go out grocery shopping and Derek needs new jeans. After an exhausting afternoon of shopping and walking they finally get back home and crash on the couch. They are far too tired to make dinner so Derek orders a pizza and they start watching a movie. 

"Do you want the last slice?" Derek asks.

"No, god no. If I eat any more I am afraid I'm going to explode. Thank you tho" Meredith chuckles. 

Derek chuckles and take a bite of the last slice of their pizza. The finish the movie and head up to bed. Meredith takes a bath while Derek takes a shower. They talk about what the upcoming week is going to bring them. 

"Der. On Wednesday I have my first appointment with the OB. I thought maybe you want to come?" 

"Yes! Definitely!" Derek exclaims excitedly.

"Good. I am a little scared to be honest."

"Everything will be fine." Derek looks at her from the shower. He can only think about how beautiful she is laying in the bath. He is going to have a baby with her. Life is good. 

Derek steps out of the shower and dries off. He crawles into bed and shortly after he is joined by Meredith. She is wearing one of Derek's t-shirts. She snuggles close to his warm body and buries her head under his arm. Her hand moves to her still very flat abdomen. Dereks hand moves there too. His hand covers her smaller hand and a small, content smile forms on their faces. They are happy. Scared, but happy. 

"I love you." Derek whispers in her hair. "I love you both" 

A warm feeling runs through Meredith. Both. He said both. It feels good, right. "I love you too" she whispers back. "I want to come with you next weekend. I think it's time for me to meet your family."

"That's great Mer. I am so happy to hear that." Derek smiles widely. Meredith gives him a final kiss before closing her eyes and falling asleep. 

Derek stays awake longer. He keeps thinking of the baby that's growing in Meredith's belly. He thinks about how wonderful it is. And how scary... Is he ready to be a dad? To be responsible for someone other than himself? In just nine months, someone is going to rely on him. With his mind full of thoughts he finally falls asleep, his hand still resting on Meredith's stomach. 

*I know the GIF is not entirely right but I think that scene is absolutely adorable. *

*Sooo what do you think of the story so far? Any suggestions of comments? Please let me know so I can improve this tory for y'all!!*

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