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It's been ten weeks sinds Liam's birth. He has been doing well, very well. The check-ups all checked out good and his behavior has been okey. In the first few weeks Liam cried a lot. And by a lot, I mean a lot lot. It has caused Meredith and Derek numerous sleepless night and tired days. Luckily Meredith is still on maternity leave. She has to go back to work next week. Derek had to get back to work earlier. He had to coach the basketball team and the substitute gym teacher was horrible so the principal begged him to come back sooner. 

Now Meredith is gently bathing Liam in the bathtub. Liam is sitting is his special bath seat and Meredith is stroking a wet cloth over his belly. Liam wiggles excitedly in his seat. He absolutely loves the water. He always giggles and smiles while his parents bathe him. 

"Are you all done little man? Did you enjoy it? Yes you did, didn't you?" Meredith tickles Liam and he lets out his infectious baby giggles. Meredith takes him out and wraps him in one of his soft towels. She pats him dry and brings him over to her bed. She would normally get Liam dressed in his nursery but his clothes are on her bed so it seems like the logical move. 

Meredith places Liam on her bed and starts dressing him. She notices his socks are on the dresser on the other side of the room so she goes and grabs them, taking her eyes off of him for only a second.

Within the blinks of an eye she hears a loud 'thump' sound and Liam starts wailing. She turns around and her body is immediately filled with fear. She runs towards Liam who is now lying on the ground. She picks him up and tries to calm him down. She sits down on the bed, still trying to calm him. Meredith tries everything she can think of but nothing seems to calm him down. She feels his head, her eyes going wide as soon as she feels the bump on his head. 

She decides to go to the hospital. She's no doctor. How else can she be sure Liam is safe? She grabs all her things and rushes out the door, towards the hospital. On her way there she calls Derek in a panic. 

"Hey honey. How's your day going?" Derek picks up the phone and greats her happily, still oblivious to everything that's going on. 

"I-I-I...Liam...hurt" Meredith cries into the phone. Tears are now rolling down her face. 

"Mer, honey calm down. I can't understand you if you cry. What's going on? Is Liam hurt?" He asks, clearly afraid of the answer. 

"Yes. Liam's hurt. I...We're on our way to the hospital. Can you please come? I really need you" Meredith cries. 

"Of course! I'll be right there, try to calm down a little bit. Try to stay calm. Liam is probably just fine"  Derek says in an attempt to calm her down. He tries to keep his voice down because he doesn't want to make Meredith even more scared but to be honest, he is very scared himself. 


Derek rushes out the school and down to his car. He drives as fast as he can to the hospital. When he gets there he runs inside to the front desk. The nurse sends him to the right direction and when he arrives at the hospital room the nurse told him he freezes. He stands outside the room for a few seconds, bracing himself for what he'll see when he opens the door. 

He takes a deep breath and walks inside. His heart breaks. Meredith is sitting in one of the chairs in the room. There is no sign of Liam. He walks over to Meredith and takes her in his arms. He takes a place and sits her down on his lap, gently stroking her back. 

"It's okey Mer, it's okey" 

"I-Liam..." She cries. 

"Where is Liam?" Derek asks with a worried tone. 

"Dr. Robbins took him for some tests." She snickers. 

"Okey. Liam is in good hands. Everything will be okey" 

"You don't know that Derek!" Meredith exclaims, lifting her head from his chest. 

"I know, but we can have faith. Now, can you tell me what happened?"

"I...We just took a bath. I placed Liam on our bed because his clothes were in our room. I started dressing him but I forgot his socks on the dresser so I turned my head for one second to grab his socks and then I heard this loud thump and Liam was on the ground, crying..."

"Oh Mer..." He looks at her. He looks into her sad eyes and presses a kiss to her temple. He holds her head close to his chest and they stay like that until a nurse interrupts them by knocking on the door and walking in. Dr. Robbins follows shortly after, pushing a baby bed with their baby in it. 

"Oh baby..." Meredith jumps up from Derek's lap and rushes to Liam's bedside. She gently places her hand on his tummy and rubs lazy circles on it. She watches him closely, tears in her eyes. A single tears escapes and runs down her cheek when she feels Derek's strong arms wrap around her from behind. His chin rests on her shoulder and he too, watches their little baby closely. 

"This must have been a very scary accident for you but I can assure you Liam is just fine. The bump on his head will result in some minor bruising but over all he will be back to normal in just a few days." 

"Thank you, Dr. Robbins" Meredith whispers. 

"Yes, thank you so much" Derek says and shakes her hand. "So do we have to do anything in particular or can we just take him home?"

"There is nothing you can do to help the bruising. You should just continue with your every day life and continue raising him the way you two are. Liam look so good and healthy and happy. You are doing a good job, really. This is just something that happened, thing happen. It's not your fault, it's nobody's fault." 

"Thank you, really, thank you" Derek thanks her once again. He grabs Liam and puts him over his shoulder and then takes Meredith's hand in his. He pulls her out of the chair and they leave the hospital, scared but relieved. 

* Thank you all so much for sticking with this story for 53! chapters. I am so grateful for your support! ❤️. 

I am currently working on a story about Meredith and Derek in College. I don't know when I will post the first chapters but let me know if you are excited!*

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