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*I accidentally deleted this part so I rewrote it. There is no change to the story so if you already read it, feel free to skip to the next chapter*

It's Thursday morning and Meredith and Derek have a check-up with their OB. Today they are going to find out the gender of their little bean. Meredith is so excited she barely slept last night with cased Derek to stay awake all night as well. 

"Are you ready to go honey?" Derek asks while putting on his shoes and coat.

"Sinds yesterday" Meredith responds. She walks up to the front door and slips her coat on. They walk down to the car and Derek drives them to the hospital. 

"So...today we are going to find out the gender" Derek's eyes light up as he mentions it. "What do you think it's going to be? Do you already have a feeling?"

"Yes. At first I was sure it was going to be a little girl but lately I'm leaning more towards a boy. I would be perfectly happy with both as longs as our little bean is happy and healthy."

"God a little girl...my little girl...that would be absolutely amazing. Or a little boy...playing soccer in the backyard..." Derek's thoughts wander off. "Either way I am ging to love this baby with all my heart. I can't wait to find out!"

"I can't either" Meredith rests her head on his shoulder. "This is becoming very, very real. I mean it has been real sinds I became pregnant but now..."

"I get it. Everything is going to be great. The baby has been perfectly health so far and in just a few months we will have our little baby right here with us, in our arms."

Meredith looks up into his beautiful blue eyes and smiles at him. She closes her eyes again and relaxes on his shoulder. They arrive at the hospital and Derek park the car. He helps Meredith out of her seat and leads her inside, resting his hand on the small of her back. 

"Ji, we have an appointment with Dr. Robbing" Derek walks up to the desk. A nurse helps them and confirms their appointment.

"Meredith Grey?" 

"That's right"

"If you follow me, Dr. Robbins is ready for you." The nurse smiles friendly and leads them down to the exam room. Dr. Robbins is waiting for them and greets them with a wide smile as they enter the room. 

"It's good to see you again Meredith, Derek." She stands up and gives them both a hand. "So today we are going to do a quick check-up on mom and baby and if you want, we can find out the gender."

"Yes!" Meredith exclaims.

"We definitely want get" Derek chuckles."Alright tiger, we vetter get started. You can undress from the waist down and take place on the exam table. Here is a paper towel to cover yourself up. I'll step out and come back in a moment. Make yourself comfortable." Dr. Robbins steps out of the room and Meredith starts undressing herself.

She hands her pants and panties to Derek who carefully fonds them and puts them on a chair. He slips the panties in his pocket and smiles to himself. "What would I do without you" Meredith chuckles.

Meredith takes place on the table and drapes the paper towel over herself. Dr. Robbins enters the room again and takes place behind the ultrasound machine. She grabs the probe for the vaginal ultrasound and covers it with some lubricant. Derek takes place near Meredith's head and holds her hand. 

"Alright" Dr. Robbins starts. "I am going to insert this now. It might feel a little discomfortable but if shouldn't hurt." She inserts the probe and looks at the screen. She smiles when the screen shows their perfectly healthy little fetus. She takes a good look and finally takes the probe out. 

"Everything looks wonderful. The baby is perfectly healthy. Their organs are developing well and their size is optimal." She smiles. Now let's take a look at the gender, shall we?"

Meredith lifts her shirt up and Dr. Robbins squirts some gel on her belly. Meredith winces slightly when the cold gel hits her but she quickly adjusts. Dr. Robbins uses the wand of the ultrasound machine to take a good look at the baby once again. She turns the screen on and clicks a button. All of a sudden the room is filled with a soft whooshing sound. 

"Do you hear that? That's the heartbeat of your baby boy" She smiles widely. 

"Meredith and Derek's eyes go wide as soon as she gets the words out. "Boy? We're having a boy?" Meredith asks surprised. Her eyes well up with happy tears and she looks at Derek.

"You sure are. Congratulations." Dr. Robbins gives them a hand and leaves the exam room, giving the happy couple some privacy. 

"A boy Derek! We're having a boy!" Meredith exclaims. Happiness is covering her face Her smile is wider than ever and she has a sparkle in her eyes. 

"We're having a boy" Derek smiles back and leans down, covering her lips with his." A beautiful baby boy...Let's go home. I can't wait to just go home and be with you. I am so in love with you, it's almost painful" 

"And I love you, so much. I can' wait for this little one to arrive"

Meredith gets dressed and they leave the hospital. They quickly drive away, back home. As soon as they arrive home Meredith goes inside their bedroom. She undresses herself and stands in front of the mirror in just her underwear. She looks at herself, observes herself as she takes different positions in front of the mirror. She looks at the small bump that recently occurred. It's small, but it's there. 

She is so caught up in her own world she doesn't hear the bedroom door open. As she keeps turning, switching from positions, she feels two strong arms warp around her from behind. She immediately recognizes them. She turns around and hugs him tight. 

"You look so beautiful." He says while moving his hands down to her stomach. He kneels down and puts his face right in front of her belly. He presses a kiss on her belly button and gets back up. "Absolutely beautiful"

They change into something comfortable and move downstairs. In the time Meredith was upstairs, Derek made two cups of tea and placed them on the coffee table. They pick out a good movie and relax, enjoying the rest of their perfect evening.

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