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The day is finally here. The day Meredith and Derek are going out for dinner, as friends. This morning Derek had walked into Merediths classroom with the question if she wanted the have dinner tonight. Meredith was planning to spend the night on the couch with a big tub of ice cream watching some classic romantic movie but she would much rather spend the night out with Derek. 

Over the past couple of days, sinds Derek and Meredith had run into each other for the first time, Meredith had been thinking about him. She has seen him a couple of times in the hallways but they didn't get a chance to talk to each other again. When they finally managed to talk to each other again Meredith happily accepted Derek's invitation. 

Meredith is getting ready to go out. Derek told her the restaurant he was taking her to wasn't super fancy so she decided to go with a nice purple sweater and black pants. She first takes a shower and washers her hair. When she steps out of the shower she blowdries her hair and puts on some light make-up. She puts on the clothes she just picked out and she finishes off with a nice perfume. She is about to put on her shoes when the doorbel rings. 

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Derek, hi. I just have to put my shoes on and then I'm all ready to go."

They head out the door and into Derek's car. Derek reverses the car out of the driveway and heads towards an Italian restaurant downtown. They step out of the car and enter the restaurant. 

"Hi. I have a reservation on Shepherd, party for 2." 

"Right this way sir." One of the waiters leads them to their table. Derek pulls out the chair for Meredith and she sits down. Derek walks over to the other side of the table and also take a seat. They order their drinks and take a look at the menu. 

"This is my all time favorite restaurant. How did you know to bring me here?" Meredith asks.

"I didn't know. I just love Italian food and this was the best place I could find."

 "I come here quite often. I can recommend the pasta carbonara or the pizza with tuna. Thy are both very good." 

"Okey, I was choosing between the pasta carbonara and the pasta pesto but I think I'm going for the pasta carbonara then."

"Excellent choies." Meredith giggles. "I am going to go for the pizza tho."

"What can I get for you?" The waiter asks.

"For me the pasta carbonara and a pizza pizza with tuna for the lady."

"Thank you very much. It will be right up." The waiter takes their order and walks away.

"So how do you like your job so far?" 

"It's great. The children are surprisingly nice to me and the weather is amazing. I took my classes outside for most of the week. I love teaching in the sun. It makes everyone happier. I also like the teachers here. I've talked to some of them and they seem nice. Over all I am very happy with the things are right now." Derek smiles at Meredith.

"That is so good to hear. The teachers are pretty great. I'm happy to hear you get along with them well."

"Altho I love the school I still don't really feel at home in Seattle. I miss my old friends and my family."

"I get that. When I moved here from Boston I missed my friends too. You'll get used to it pretty quick tho. And besides, you have Mark right?"

"That is true, I do have Mark. I went out for drinks yesterday and it was pretty fun. We went to Joe's bar or something. It is right across the street from the hospital Mark and Lexie work at."

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