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Meredith wakes up from the sunlight that is shining through the window of their hotel room. She can feel Derek's arm around her. A warm feeling washes over her. How can he make her feel so, so safe? She turns around in his arms and sees he is still fast asleep. She slips out of his embrace and wraps herself in her rope. She walks over to the bathroom and takes a shower. She desperately needed one.

Meredith POV

While standing under the shower, I think about everything that had happened in the past couple of days. I can't believe mom got in an accident. I can't believe Derek came with me to Boston. How incredibly sweet is that. What did I do to deserve that? If mom dies... god I don't know what I would do. And my dad... I shake the thought of my mom dying out of my head. I can't think like that.

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I walk out of the bathroom and take a seat on the couch. I take a book from the shelf in the hotelroom and start reading. Normally I don't read books but my mom loves it so why not try it?

I read for a while. I look over at Derek once in a while, admiring the pease that washes over him while he sleeps. I smile to myself and get to my book. I get lost in the story. I can see why. my mom loves reading so much.

I can hear Derek waking up. I walk over to his side of the bed and press a light kiss to his forehead. He opens his eyes and smiles up at me. He looks again and smirks.


"I can see down your towel" He says with a huge grin on his face.

"Urgh" I giggle and close my towel more. I can't believe he just saw my boobs just dangling there... in front of his face.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me.

"Yes I did. I woke up about 2 hours ago. I already took a shower and then I read a book."

"A book?!" He asks in disbelieve, sitting up straight in the bed his back against the headboard.

"Yes, Derek. A book." I roll my eyes, giggling. "My mom loves to read so I thought why not try it."

"Speaking about your mom, how is she? Have you heard anything from your dad?"

"Yes he texted me this morning. He said nothing has changed. I guess that's good. It means she at least didn't get worse..." I say with a sad smile on my face.

Derek gets out of bed and gives me a hug. I lean into his embrace and my emotions take over. Tears form in my eyes and I burry my face in his bare chest. My tears stream down his chest while he just holds me and comforts me. It helps, him just holding me. I manage to calm down and I pull away from him. My eyes are puffy and my cheeks are stained with tears. He puts a strand of hair behind my ear and cups my face with his hand, his thumb whipping the last tears off my face. He leans forward and locks his lips with mine. The kiss is tender and passionate. God I needed this.

When we finally pull away I ask him if we can go to the hospital again.

"Yes of course. We'll get dressed real quick and then we will take a cab to the hospital." He presses a quick kiss on my lips and walks over to his suitcase. I get back to the bathroom and finish getting ready to go.

*After the hospital*

Derek's POV

"I am sick of this!" Meredith exclaims. "My mom is still not getting any better and the doctors can't do anything else so we just have to wait until she hopefully wakes up." She sighs. "And to make things even worse the hospital food was absolute shit so I'm still hungry."

I chuckles to myself. "I know Mer, it's hard and the hospital food was indeed pretty disgusting. Let me get you some food from the lunchroom down the street." I give Meredith a quick kiss and walk out of the room. I walk down to the lunchroom and order us a sandwich and coffee. When I get back to our room I see her sitting on the couch, reading a book again.

"Hey Mer, I'm back. I brought you a salmon sandwich and some coffee."

"Thank you Derek, come sit beside me." She asks with a sweet smile. I can't ignore that smile.

We eat our sandwiches and when we're finished Meredith wants to take a bath. I think that's a great idea. She really has to relax a bit so I run her a bath while she gets ready.

"Mer. The bath is ready, you ready to go in?"

No one's POV

"Thank you Derek." Meredith gives Derek a kiss and moves into the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and steps into the tub. The relaxes for a bit but after a while the quiet bathroom causes her thoughts to invade her mind. Her mind immediately goes to her mom. "She has to be okey" Meredith thinks to herself. "She has to survive. How can I live without her in my life?"

Tears fill her eyes at the thought of her mom dying. The tears roll down her face and she sniffles. Derek had positioned himself on the couch but when he hears the sniffles that are coming from the bathroom he stands up and knocks on the door. 

"Mer, are you okey? What's going on?"

"Yes...No. Every time I think about my mom I cry." She says in between sniffles.

"Oh Mer. I think she will be okey. Is there anything I can do right now?" 

"Can you come in? Please?" She cries. 

Derek opens the door and crouches next to the bath. He takes her hand and gently rubs the top of it. She tears start rolling down her face again and Derek stands up. He lifts Meredith out of the bath and wraps a towel around her. He kisses the top of her head and holds her tight. She leans into his chest and relaxes. A little while later Meredith pulls away and starts to dry herself off. Derek turns around to give her some privacy and walks up to the bed. He lies down and closes his eyes. When he feels Meredith moving under the blankets next to him he opens his eyes and looks at her. She curls op into his side and rests her head on his chest. Derek puts an arm around him and they close their eyes. 

Just when they are about to fall asleep the phone rings...

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