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*Time jump of 3 months. It's November and the wether is getting colder and colder. Snow is covering the streets and the sun is shining. Meredith is on maternity leave. She is due in two weeks. The nursery is finished and everything is ready for the baby to come.*

"Bye baby, have a good day at work!" Meredith walks up and gives Derek a kiss on the lips.

"Thank you honey. Please take care of yourself and our baby boy. I love you"

"I will, Don't worry. And if anything comes up I'll call you. Bye now, you're going to be late" Meredith says and therewith Derek leaves for work.

Derek's POV

I arrive at work and I see the principal walking up to me.

"Good morning Derek! How have you been? How is Meredith?"

"I've been good, thank you. Meredith is fine. A little on edge sinds the baby is due in two weeks but I can handle it" I chuckle. We walk inside and catch up some more before we go our separate ways.

Today should be a slow day. I have a couple of classes to teach and I have to do some work for the team. I walk to the gym where my class is already waiting for me and I start my day.

Meredith's POV

I've been hanging around the house for ages now. Well it's actually been only 4 weeks but it sure feels like ages. I have read almost all books in this house and I've seen every single tv show on tv. I'm bored out of my mind and I don't know how to keep myself entertained anymore. I am in desperate need for some fresh air so I slip my coat, gloves, scarf and hat on and walk out the front door. I step onto the front porch and take a seat on the porch swing Derek set up last summer.

I take a deep sigh and inhale the cold air. The sun in shining on my face and the snow is glistering beautifully. It's absolutely breathtaking. I lay my head back and close my eyes, letting the sun warm up my face.

Derek's POV

I'm done teaching for the day. I walk back to my office to finish up some things I have to do as coach of the basketball team. Sinds it's winter most of the guys on the football team joined the basketball team for the winter season. They asked me if I wanted to be coach and I gladly accepted. I love shooting hoops. I have been sinds I was a little boy. It's by far my favorite sport.

I take a seat behind my desk and go over the game plan for upcoming game. I look at the strategies and analyse the opposing team. I look at their game plans and tactics and try to use it in our advantage. I am completely focussed on my work when my phone rings. I look at the screen and see her name on the display. My heart skips a beat. Why is she calling? She would only call if something was going on. I pick up the phone with shaking hands and answer it.

"Hey honey. You okey?"...

Meredith's POV

I open my eyes again. I've been outside for quite some time and it's getting way too cold. I get up and walk inside. I pull my winter gear off and walk to the kitchen. Just when I'm about to enter the kitchen I can feel something run down my legs. Did I just pee myself?! Immediately after I feel a strong pain shooting from my back to the front. I now know what's going on. My water broke...

I grab my cellphone and speed dial Derek. He takes a while to answer the phone. Luckily the pain isn't too bad yet so I head upstairs and crawl in bed. Derek finally answers his phone.

"Hey Honey. You okey?" He asks me. I can hear his voice shaking.

"I-My water just broke and I think I had my first contraction" I say calmly. "It isn't hurting all that bad yet.

"What?! You...broke...o my god!" He stammers. I chuckle.

"Baby calm down, it's fine. I packed a hospital bag last night just in case and everything is ready for the baby. Everything is going to be fine" I try to calm him down. It isn't really working. I can hear his breathing becoming heavy and his voice is shaking.

"Alright just hold on. I'll be there right away"

I want to tell him to be careful and to drive safely but he already hung the phone up. I chuckle. This man is going to be a father in just a few hours. And I am going to be a mom. The last thought scares me. A mom...me....

Before I know it the front door slams open and I can hear footsteps running up the stairs. The bedroom door flings open and I see Derek standing in the opening. He is all sweaty and is breathing heavily. His black curls are damp and I can't help but stare at the beautiful figure in front of me.

Derek runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Hey honey. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. More than ready. I am so glad this baby is going to come out of me now. I loved being pregnant but I can't wait for the next step."

Derek lifts me up and carries me out of the room, downstairs. "Don't forget the bag!" I tell him while I point at the sports bag located near the front door. He nods his head and carries me to the car. He settles me in the passenger seat and runs back inside to grab the bag and my coat. He quickly comes back and starts the car. He drives away and places his hand on my leg.

"We are going to become parents...today..." He breathes. "I can't believe it"

"Me neither" I say. I look at him and I can see the nervousness written all over his face. I grab his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "You are going to be an amazing dad. I love you so much and I can't wait to finally have a child with you"

*Hey guys!! So I just started a MerDer one shots story. I won't post very regularly but more when I feel like writing. If you want to check it out I just uploaded the first story!*

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