Shaken Up

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Author POV

1 Week Later

Peter is arriving back at the Compound after taking a week off, especially since it's been slow on missions. He walks into the Compound and finds people all around but he just ignores them and goes up to the private area for the Avengers.

He finds no one in sight so he decides to train, even of his himself, so he changes into workout clothes and find a brand new looking punching bag, to practice what he's learned from Steve. He punches it semi hard and the
  bag moves little, 'woah, I'm stronger than I thought, and I barely punched it hard', Peter thinks, "maybe I should figure out how strong I am, it could help in the future".

A Few Hours Later

After training for about 2 hours, he decided to rest and found Vision in the Common area and now they're currently playing chess, "is something wrong Mr. Parker?", ask Vision, "no, everything's fine, it's just- I don't know why, but when I heard about the mission Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda were going on, I've had a bad feeling about it, is that weird?".

"I don't believe so, if I may say, it might be because you're worried for them all if something happens to them", Vision says making Peter nod, "yeah, this team has been like a family to me, I would hate if anything happens to anyone", says Peter.

Peter and Vision continue playing chess, but are stopped when Rhodey walks, "hey, we have an important meeting", "is something wrong?", "yeah, that's why we're having the meeting", he says, as Peter and Vision get up and follow him into the meeting room, "so what's up?", "the mission the others are on went bad", "are they ok?", "yeah, they're fine, but- better you see for yourself", Rhodey says, as he turns on the TV to the news channel as they all take a seat.

Peter looks at the burning building and all the destruction, "the person they were after had a bomb and set it off, but Wanda stopped it before she lost control, and now they're all helping with what they can fix what happened". Peter is worried for Wanda, he knows she's gonna need him after this, "damn", is all Peter says, with a worried look.

It's been an hour since he learned of what happened in Lagos, and he's texting Natasha to see if Wanda's OK

Shes fine, just shaken up, she's gonna need you when we get back Peter

Yeah, I know, just tell her to text me if she wants to talk, or to call

I will, were gonna be here for her until we get back, don't worry

I'm here boyfriend, I'm gonna be worried, but I know you'll be there. How are you?

Considering someone threw a grenade at me, and made me fly out of a truck, I'm fine, just gonna be sore in a few hours.

Glad you're OK. I'll see you both when you get back. Love you

Love you too Peter. We'll see you soon.

A Few Hours Later

Peter is talking with Ned over the phone, "what?!? why can't you go?", "important Avenger business Ned", "is this about what happened in Lagos?". Peter just sighs, "yeah, it is", "what's gonna happen to you guy", "dont know, well just have to wait and see".

"Well, I know it wasn't on purpose, with what happened, so I hope for the best", "thanks man, I'll tell Wands that, oh, and she knows you know I'm Spiderman", says Peter. "Wait, she knows I know? How?", "I told her last year when I joined", "cool, then tell her I say she's awesome when you see her". Peter silently laughs, "dont worry, I will, she'll be glad to get a comment like that".

Peter stops when he hears footsteps coming towards his room, "that must be her, I gotta go buddy", "yeah, see ya bud". Peter hangs up as Wanda walks into his room and locks the door, "hey Pete", she says. Peter and Wanda sit on the bed, with him holding her hands, "hey, you ok? I heard from Tasha you were shaken up badly", "I was- still am actually", says Wanda, as Peter looks into her eyes, "dont worry, I'm right here ok?", she nods, and just hugs Peter, "don't let go Peter, I wanna be with you", "of course, stay with me, I'll be right here", "you promise?", "I promise'.

Peter and Wanda lay down and start feeling sleepy after just relaxing in each other's arms, and soon both are asleep.

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