Peter's and Wanda's First Date

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Author POV

2 Weeks Before Peter's Birthday

Peter walks into the Press Conference with Steve and Natasha by his side, with Tony at the podium, "we have called this press conference to introduce a new member to the Avengers, please welcome The Amazing Spiderman, and by his side are Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, better known as Captain America and The Black Widow".

An Hour Later

With Press Conference done, the three leave to change out of their suits, but Natasha has felt jealous of what Peter and Wanda have. She's over heard them talking about them having a date tonight and has been nothing but a jealous person. She has been trying to avoid Wanda, but that became impossible when Wanda came to her for help.

Wanda knocks on Natasha's door, "who is it?", "it's me Wanda, I need help", she says, 'great, I gotta help her impress the person we're both in love with', "with what?", "I got a date tonight and I need some input on which dress I can use", she asks. Natasha groans quietly and opens her door, and puts up a smile, "of course, let's get you ready to impress him shall we".

An Hour Passes and Natasha regrets helping Wanda get ready, she admits Wanda looks beautiful, sexy, and she's definitely gonna impress Peter and knows she isn't gonna have a chance, "wow, you look-", she stops, not wanting to finish that sentence.

"It's Peter", Wanda says, "what?", "I'm going on a date with Peter, he asked me out yesterday and I agreed", she says looking at me, but I don't smile for a few seconds before I do, "thats great Wanda, I know he's gonna be an amazing person with you tonight". Natasha says, but hides how she really feels. Wanda catches on, but she plays along "oh, thank you... are you ok?", "... umm yeah, I'm fine, I'm happy for you both, truly", Nat says with a smile, but Wanda knows better.

Wanda gets up to leave, "thanks Nat", she says before she walks out, but she stops and read Natasha's mind... 'oh my God, she's in love with Peter also'.

Wanda just leaves but slowly closes the door and thinks of what she learned, 'that's why she's acting how she is, she's jealous of me being with Peter'. She doesn't notice Peter coming her way until she looks up.

Peter is wearing a dark blue suit with black dress up shirt and a tie and black shoes, "wow Peter, you look amazing", "and you look beautiful Wanda", he says. He sees Wanda wearing a red dress with a black jacket and some red heels while her hair is in a ponytail. Wanda blushes at the comment from Peter "thanks Pete, shall we go?", "yeah, we shall, allow me to escort you", "that'll be an honor", they say, as they hold hands and leave the Compound.

They both arrive at the restaurant, a somewhat expensive restaurant on New York, but luckily they get paid really good Avenger Money from Stark. They take their seats and order what they want, "Wanda, I wanna say, these 2 months getting to know you was amazing, and I more than like you, I- I love you", he says. She just smiles and stares at Peter, "for me Wanda, it was love at first sight, and I don't regret it", he says, as he holds her hand, "it was love at first sight for me also Pete, and I didn't know it at first because I've never felt like this about anyone before, then you came along", she says.

"I can't stop thinking about you Peter, and I wanna be with you, I want us to be more than friends", Peter just smiles, "so do I, so I wanna ask this, would you Wanda Maximoff, be my girlfriend?", he asks. Wanda nods, "yes, I will", she says happily.

They hold hands and just stare at each other, with big smiles, but they separate when the get their food, but they share with each other and have a great night. For Wanda, this has been a dream come true, to finally have someone who loves her like she loves them. For Peter, this is new, but exciting, he's never felt this way until he met Wanda and Natasha, but it because the girls at school would call him a nerd

"You know Pete, I think your pretty cool for a nerd, that's what I like about you", "wait, we're you reading my mind Wanda?", she just smiles and shrugs her shoulders, "maybe", she says as Peter laughs. Wanda keeps smiling, 'he's in love with Natasha as well, oh my god', she thinks, but for some reason, she's not mad at all after finding out what she found out.

Author Note

I could release the next chapter today if I finish it, literally half way done writing it.

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