Now An Official Avenger

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Steve, Sam, Natasha and Peter arrive at the Compound after last night's successful mission in capturing the gang stealing all the Chitari Tech, including the man known as The Vulture. Even after they captured The Vulture, who the man with the winged suit went by, it was revealed by the agents helping with the mission that he had some help, and they split into teams of 2 to capture the rest of his gang, which went great. They rested at a hotel and left early the next morning to the Compound, which is where they are now.

"Not gonna lie, that was probably the easiest mission we've had", says Sam, "... do you think I just jinked us and were gonna get a very hard mission soon?", "... yeah probably", says Peter. They walk through the meeting room and see Tony, "heard about the mission, nice one Pete, and yeah, you probably did junk all of us Sam".

Steve messes with Peter's hair, "he did great, the training really helped", he says, as Tony shrugs, "what did I Say huh? I said he'd be a great addition to the team", "and you were right, for once", says Natasha, in a teasing manner. They all go their separate ways for some R&R, to themselves, if that was what they wanted to do.

A Few Hours Later

Peter is currently in the Common Room playing chess with Vision, and it's an even game so far, and Wanda is watching them play and interact, "Checkmate!", says Vision, "what? I didn't even notice you could've won, but that was a good game", "indeed Mr. Parker", says Vision, before he gets up, "if we can, maybe we can play another game soon", "sounds good to me Vision, next time", says Peter.

Peter and Wanda are now alone and they both at each other, but don't say anything. Fir them both, they can understand each other without the needs for words. Peter has been wanting to ask her something for sometime, but decided to wait until the mission was done with and now he can, "huh, Wanda, I would like to ask if you wanna go on a date with me?", he asks.

Wanda just smiles and nods, "Peter, I would love to go on a date with you", she says, making Peter smile, "I'm not gonna lie Wanda, I like you, alot, you're amazing and I've been wanting to ask that for sometime", "well I'm glad you did, because I like you alot also Pete, I have since we first met and had that talk that night", she admits.

They both just stare into each others eyes, ".... me too... I've been wanting to tell you how I feel, but I didn't know if you felt that way also", "I did, and I do, you mean alot to me Peter", says Wanda. They both get up and just walk towards each other and lean in, but before they can close the deal, they hear footsteps and they move away from to not get caught that they almost kissed.

Tony walks in with Natasha, Steve, Rhodey, Sam and Vision, "and their he is, the new Official Avenger", says Tony, "we're gonna hold a press conference tomorrow to introduce our newest Avenger, Spiderman", says Steve, "you've earned it Pete", "and we're glad we can finally say you're apart of the team", says Natasha and Rhodey.

Peter puts up a smiles to hide his anger but whispers to where no one can hear him "damnit Tony". Wanda does have angry face but is very happy Peter is finally apart of the team, she's just pissed they stopped them from kissing.

Natasha notices their anger and knows what happened, they interpreted them from kissing, which makes her jealous, but really jealous. She doesn't know what to do now, it's obvious that Peter likes Wanda and vice versa, but she can't help but to wanna be Wanda at this point. Natasha wants Peter to herself, she loves him, in more ways than she can imagine, and she's seething in jealousy about the revelation she just had.

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