Learning About Love

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Peter wakes up and gets ready for training with Natasha, changing into his suit and walks out, "you ready Pete, it's just us today, Wanda has a day off", "yeah, I'm ready, let's do it", he says, as they walk towards the training room, "today is all about two things, defense, offense in a fight is great, but defense is also important, and that's where we pick up Peter", she says, as he nods, 'this is gonna be equally hard as yesterday' he thinks to himself ready for what is in store for him.

A Couple Hours Later

Peter is blocking what he can, taking a few punches and kicks from Natasha, and he's learned she's very quick at striking her enemy. He blocks a kick and sends one her way, which she stops with her hand, "there we go Pete, when you block, find an opening and attack, don't let up on the enemy", she says, as she jumps and kicks Peter in the gut. He lands on his back as she lands on her feet, "not bad Pete, you catch on quickly", "well I have an amazing instructor", he says, making her smile, "you bet you do".

She helps him up, "let's call it quits for the morning and continue this in the afternoon", "yeah sounds good", he says. They both go to their rooms and change into normal clothes, but Natasha arrives first in the kitchen for breakfast, which serve decides to cook something for her and Peter. Peter walks in and see's Natasha wearing some jeans and a tank top, and he can't help but to look at her but stops before he gets caught and beat up, "I didn't know you can cook", "one of my many talents Pete, I'm not just an assassin or an Avenger, even I have to eat", she says with a chuckle.

Peter laughs and sits down at the table, "well whatever your cooking smells good", "just wait till you try it", she says. Peter looks at Natasha again is amazed at how beautiful she is, and he wonders how someone like her is single. He looks at Natasha and can't help but to be mesmerized by her beauty, "if I can say without you getting mad, you are really beautiful Natasha", he says.

Natasha just smiles, "thanks Pete, that means alot, sometimes I don't think I'm beautiful enough", "what? Your crazy, your really beautiful, anyone would agree" he says, as she walks towards the table with their food, "thank you, but everyone's afraid ti tell me that, and Tony just just makes empty remarks", "not me, I meant it, your beautiful and I'm glad I can say it and not die", says Peter, as both him and Natasha laugh

An Hour Later

After eating and cleaning their mess, both Peter and Natasha are talking about their lives and she learns how he got his powers while learning who Peter really, a fun loving genius, and Natasha is all smiles. She starts seeing Peter in a light she's never seen anyone before, and just listens to him talk about his life, and feels for him, learning how how he only has his Aunt left, and what drives him to do what he does. She feels admiration for Peter, going through what he's been through and he keeps hope, and feels like she gain that kind of hope just being with him and learning what he's been through.

Natasha feels a sensation inside her and feels confused as to why she would feel some kind of way. She hopes that whatever is going on, doesn't become something more. If this is what she thinks it is, she then thinks she doesn't deserve it, not after what she's done.

Peter admits that saying she was beautiful was a shot he was willing to take. Natasha is really beautiful, even more than what he saw in pictures and just couldn't help but to tell her and is glad she accepted his compliment. For some reason, Peter also feels the sensation with Natasha as he does with Wanda, and can't help but to finally know what that sensation is, he likes both of them, but maybe it's more, maybe he loves them.

Things like that are still new to Peter, never really feeling what he does now. No girl his age made him feel like this, even when they tried, but he was a nerd as they say, and he was avoided for being the smart one in school, but he didn't care about that.

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