Late Night Talk

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Author POV

Peter has been trying to sleep for a couple of hours, but he has had trouble. After meeting the other Avengera and moving in, he talked and hoped he made a good impression on everyone, but they only one he didn't get a chance to talk with was Wanda. He hoped she didn't hate him already, but he won't known until he tries talking with her when they have a chance.

He also has been thinking about Wanda as well, the way he felt when he saw how beautiful she was, and what he felt when they shook hands. He doesn't know what that feeling was, and hope's to find out why he felt that way about someone, he's just really confused.

Peter checks the time and see's it's past midnight and he decides to grab a drink from the kitchen and maybe a snack, he is kinda hungry after him and the others had Pizza around 7 that night. He puts on a shirt, and walks out, and luckily he was wearing black sweat shorts. He walks down quietly not wanting to wake the others up but he then hears someone is their as well.

He walks up and see's Wanda and feels that feeling again, that tingling feeling and blushes. He walks in as she turns to the table, "oh hi", he says kinda low, "oh hey, Peter right?", she asks, "yeah, didn't expect you here", "I couldn't sleep and I'm guessing you couldn't either huh?", "nope, this has been a crazy day for me", he says.

She looks at him and blushes but turns around quickly, hoping to hide her blush. 'There it is again, that sensation from earlier, why do I feel that way?', she thinks to herself. Wanda see's Peter grab some water and some of the left over pizza, "it's late and you're hungry? Not that I'm complaining", she says, which makes him chuckle, "yeah, I guess I didn't eat enough earlier", he says, as he sits and eats the pizza cold, which she laughs at, "what? Cold pizza is better to be honest", "I believe you on that".

"I wanna know Peter, how does one get powers of a spider?", she asks, being curious, "I mean, it's impossible to climb walls and do everything you can do, I just wanna know how you became to be Spiderman". Peter continues eating but does answer when his mouth isn't full, "well, it happened a year ago... it was about a month before school let out for summer vacation and me and science class went on a field trip to Oscorp, and wh took a tour and saw some of their experiments...", Peter stops as he takes a sip of water.

".. We saw a case where they were holding 16 genetically mutated spiders, but we noticed one had escaped and when I wasn't looking it bit me on my neck... and I went through a change in my body... I always wondered my me you know", says Peter. "Is something wrong?", "no, it's just I haven't felt like a normal person since that spider bit me... but then again I wasn't normal even before", he says, and Wanda hears some sadness in that statement, "why? You seem normal to me? I envy you Peter, I haven't had a normal life since I was a kid", she says, remembering her past, "it's been hard on me, I volunteered and joined Hydra, buI was deceived, they said they were gonna save the world, but they lied to me, I was experimented on and they treated me less than a human", she says.

Peter feels for Wanda, "must've been hard, I'm sorry about that", "dont be, you shouldn't be sorry for something you didn't even know was going on, but I appreciate your concern Peter, and I'm sorry about whatever you be gone through". Peter smiles, "thanks... hey, how about we stop talking about our past and start talking about we are now, what we like to do for fun, hobbies, and all that other stuff?",Wanda can't help but to smile, he cares more about who she is know than what she was in the past, "yeah, that sounds good".

An hour passes by both start getting tired and head back to their rooms, but stop, "Wanda it was really great talking with you, you're really cool", "thanks Peter, you're not bad yourself, I like you already", she says, which makes him smile, "yeah, well I like you also", he says, which makes Wanda smile, "wanna train together some time?", "yeah sire, sounds great", says Wanda before she walks to her room, but before she walks in, she waves goodbye to Peter.

Peter waves back and walks into his room and smiles, talking with Wanda felt great, he knows she likes talking with him as well, and he hopes to find out this feeling he has.

Wanda lays down and think of Peter, and that sensation is even bigger now than what it was, she doesn't know why but feels right, and it's driving her crazy to wanna be with him right now.

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