"I know your handwriting, that definitely wasn't Blaise"Hermione said, glancing over at her. "What were you planning?"She asked. Pansy looked away, not answering as her smirk widened. She shrugged as she walked away. Hermione looked after her suspiciously before shaking her head, they really were something else.

Hermione got some sugar quills, along with a few Pumpkin Pasties. As she headed to the front to check them out, Pansy came out of no where and dragged her around the store. "What're you-"Hermione began before Pansy shushed her.

"Listen"Pansy muttered, stopping at the end of an aisle. Hermione rolled her eyes, not knowing what the point of this was. She opened her mouth to speak before she heard talking. "Will you just give up already?"She heard Draco's voice.

"Give up?"Theo repeated. "Give up on what exactly?"Blaise joined in. "You know what I'm talking about"Draco snarled. "I don't believe we do"Blaise smirked.  "About Granger" He snapped.

Hermione froze, about who? She glanced over at Pansy, who merely smirked back. Pansy stayed silent as they continued listening.

"You seem pretty distant now"Theo began. "I think he's trying to deny our last accusation"Blaise told. "Your 'accusation' was out of line"Draco snapped. "Being obsessed with Granger is out of line to you? It seems right on point to me"Theo shrugged. "I am not obsessed"Draco growled.

"Come on Theo, we must use fancy words for Draco, we must say Draco fancies her"Blaise said. "I will bury both of you alive"Draco snarled, glaring at them over his shoulder as he walked out of the aisle.

"Has he been distant?"Pansy questioned instantly. "What?"Hermione muttered, stepping back at the sudden energy. "Has Draco been distant? Like more quiet than normal"Pansy said. "I don't know- we aren't friends to actually know"Hermione rolled her eyes. "Aren't friends? You're more oblivious than he is" Pansy scoffed. "You guys spend nearly every waking hour of every day together, and you're telling me you haven't even begun to put aside your past?" Pansy questioned.

"We don't like each other, it's that simple"Hermione shrugged.

Pansy groaned, pulling at her hair. "Just go check out your things"Pansy snapped. Hermione rolled her eyes once more as she walked away. Though she couldn't get it out of her mind. He was getting distant with her. All because Blaise and Theo had made a joke? She shook those thoughts out of her head. He was a weird person after all.

Her and Pansy left Honeydukes, the others wanting to get more sweets. "We're going to Gladrags Wizardwear, I need to get some things"Pansy told, walking towards the shop.

Hermione followed her around, not being allowed to sit to the side. "Why are you guys so convinced I'm going to get attacked out of no where?"Hermione questioned. "We're just following what Blaise and your mother said" Pansy shrugged. "And quite frankly, you need to spend more time with people. That faze where you only sat in the head dorm, if I hadn't known better, I would've thought that the only person you wanted to see was Draco" She added.

Hermione scowled, "gross". Pansy smirked once more as she grabbed some clothing. She went over to the fitting rooms before turning to Hermione. "You're going to wait here so I can go try these on, you aren't allowed to wander around, okay?"Pansy said. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes"She grumped.

She waited outside the fitting rooms as Pansy changed. "Parkinson, you've been in there for 10 minutes, I'm getting bored"Hermione groaned. "Yeah because Draco isn't boring at all"Pansy scoffed from her room. "That doesn't even make sense! And Why must you bring Malfoy into everything?" Hermione questioned.

"I'll keep mentioning him till you two become less oblivious" Pansy said as she left the change room. "Oblivious about what!"Hermione cried.

Pansy only rolled her eyes as she paid for her clothes. As they walked out of the store, they ran into the one and only; Rita Skeeter.

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