message from underneath

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Hey everyone! Sumo and Muso here!

So, you might be wondering, what do we mean by this message from underneath.

Well, it means, a message from the deepest graves of our hearts, the message that was long buried down within the hearts of many students, who aspire to be something else, to not reach heights of the sky, but run on waters and reach the sun hiding in the horizon.

In India, and many conservative traditions, students are forced to take the path walked on by the masses, solely decided by their parents, if not by them, by the entire society around them. Parents compelled by this pressure, pressurize their own kids, fearing the masses who are not going to even pay a cent worth of attention to their problems but pay crores worth of attention provided with "wise" guidance, to them. Yes. That's the issue I wanna discuss today.

Fortunately, fortunately fortunately I come from two angels who themselves have passed from this storm and are giving me freedom, to do whatever I please. it's my "12th" going on, and here I am, abandoning my homework time today just because I don't feel like it, here I am venting out all my thoughts, on this platform. They are actually proud of this story- Blackmailed Marriage. I have never achieved any award, hell, only participation certificates! And this story, also may not have won anything, but they still consider it as an achievement and brag about it in the entire world, rubbing it on their faces, yes the same faces that questioned my choice of taking Arts stream.

On the contrary, I am surrounded by students, forced to take Science or Commerce, because, in our lovely society's opinion- "The streams Where real knowledge and future belongs"

As if Humanities is just "time-pass". In reality, they actually believe this. "Humanities! Rich people shit."

Wow. They can just go suck a lemon.

It is not just this decision, all the major decisions of a person's life are being decided beforehand. And here we all are, having freedom of expression by the lovely article 19 of our constitution.


So I would just like to tell all the parents who believe that scolding, hitting, comparing, complaining won't work.

Let me just give you an example.

There was a lad, let's call him Ram. He was the perfect "Sharma Ji ka beta". One day he was caught doing drugs. His father found out, and without even talking to him first, he just hit him with a belt, locked him up, and just used the negative learning techniques. Ram completely stopped smoking that day. Well, in their conscience he did, in reality, he did not. He just stopped telling them. Two months later, he collapsed due to excessive drug usage.

Getting the point?

Another example,

There was this young girl, and she was great at every aspect of life. She gelled with people, and performed well in school. What more could parents want?

Well then her 10th board came, she was bombarded with tuitions, homework and the most painful of them all emotional blackmail. yeah. "WE have paid over lakhs for your study! DO good in the boards!" Was the opening statement of every evening. Certainly, pressure over her small frame increased day by day. Her mental health was in the gutter, and her emotional balance, like a joker balloon, swayed from right to left to right to left. Soon, Sleep also left her side, and good marks resigned from her life temporarily. Tuition and School were playing tug of war with her, school pulling it to itself, while tuition trying to drag her to its side. And the parents just watching. At nights she would do school work, in the school she would do tuition work, in the tuition she would project work, and at night, she would freak herself off. imagine the condition. Just imagine and you would feel goosebumps slashing the skin and coming out.

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