10. Lustful Party

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You waited in the room with your father as guests started to pile into the large house. They were all greeted by Ace and Thatch while Luffy and Sabo offered them drinks and appetizers.

You were holding onto his bulky arm like a child refusing to let go of their parent. He didn't complain about your clinginess, instead he let you hold on.

Yonko's and gang lords walked into the room, approaching you and your father.

"Whitebeard! Already such a fantastic party and I've only walked in." A tall and large woman said.

"Linlin, this is Whitebeard we're talking about. He always outdoes himself." A man with horns said.

The infamous red haired Yonko walked in and wrapped his arms around you.

"Gosh, I saw you about three weeks ago but you've already managed to make me miss you!" Shanks said, faking his tears.

Your father shoved him off of you as he stood up. He gestured to you with the arm you weren't clinging to with a big smile.

"You two are yet to have met my daughter. I adopted her 15 years ago and—" He paused as he recalled the memories.

"15?!" All four Yonko's said.

Your father then cleared his throat and continued his speech.

"As I was saying, and she is my pride and joy. Everyone, this is (Y/N) or as I called her, Hyde."

"So Hyde was your daughter all along...all those times I thought she was some woman in your life." The horned man said.

"Kaido how could've you gotten such an absurd idea?! He always called her a runt. That's not how you refer to a lady." Linlin said with a scoff.

Kaido rolled his eyes before Linlin took your hand in hers with a big smile.

"Im Charlotte Linlin, or as they call me, Big Mom but you already knew that. You're such a fine young woman! My oh my, you'd make the perfect wife for one of my sons!" She said.

You yanked your hand back nervously and politely told her off yet again. The Yonko's had their share of speaking to you before walking out of the room.

A tall blonde man wearing a pink fur coat approached you with a similar man behind him, only this one had jester makeup and a black coat as well as a burgundy hat.

They introduced themselves as the pink being Doflamingo and the black, Corazon.

They, more like Doflamingo eagerly talked to you. He was practically drooling and would drop subtle flirts only to receive death glares from your father.

You spoke to the rest of the warlords, the only ones interesting you being Boa and Law. Crocodile was a gentleman but he was incredibly egotistical.

Soon, it was time for his speech for the party. Now everyone was gonna know you. If Kid was there, it would be absolute hell.

The house was dark besides the spotlight waiting for you and your father. You followed him through the house and to the living room where he was to propose his toast and introduce you.

You stood at his side, everyone murmuring about you. Unfortunately, you saw that fiery redhead, staring at you with wide eyes. His crew seemed equally as shocked.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to thank all of ye' for joining us today. Tonight is a special night, especially for the little lass next to me..." He said with a wink before he trailed on.

"For years on end, I've ruled as a yonko. There was business I've hidden from someone who means more to me than my own life. That person is the lad you see standing here next to me. You've all heard the name Hyde and how theyre supposedly my child...those rumors are true. This young lady is my daughter, (Y/N) 'Hyde' Newgate." He said proudly.

Sᴡɪᴍᴍɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴅᴅɪsʜ ʜᴇʟʟ. Eᴜsᴛᴀss ᴋɪᴅ.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora