1. A warm welcome

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You sighed as you looked at your empty wallet in your car. Only recently you and your boyfriend broke up after you found out he was unfaithful. It didn't bother you as much as you thought it would.

Truth be told, you were now in one of the most dangerous cities. Your father lived in one of the parts of the city and while you wanted to live with him, one of your old friends already found you a place and paid for it, and if you were totally honest, it was bizarre as the woman was pretty much a cheapskate.

You could only let out a groan as you looked up at the new house you would be living in. It was one of those smaller houses that was connected with another so pretty much your neighbors would know everything that's going on.

You opened the car door and stepped out with your keys in hand and wallet in another. Tucking your wallet in your back pocket, you looked at your neighbors house. They had a black truck resting in their driveway with silver lining and blue tints. It was honestly a very beautiful color scheme.

'Alright, Nami... and Robin you better not have gave me some rat-infested house.' You thought to yourself as you walked inside.

It was overall nice and a two-story home. It was your casual suburban home in a really rundown neighborhood that looks like a place for drug dealing. The house was more spacious than expected and everything looked to be in tip-top shape.

Only downside was now you'd have to go buy new furniture and while you had money, luck was always your thing. You could gamble and win more, you could go to your father and ask or simply you could work.

All were somewhat good options but working wasn't your ideal idea. Not to mention, you didn't have a job. You could get a job at a casino, not to mention gamble.

You knew the way the city worked and how certain parts were ruled by certain people. While you didn't know exactly what they did, all you knew was that you had to respect them in their territory. You only knew bits and pieces because well, your father owned a large portion of the city.

Right now, the territory you were in was his and everyone respected it. But that's besides the issue at hand. You needed money and you sure as hell weren't going to slave over someone's floors and clean for them.

As you walked outside, you pulled out your phone and dialed up your father who answered without hesitation.

'Hyde! What a pleasant surprise to get a call from you!' He practically yelled over the line.

You winced as you pulled your phone away from your ear.

"Yes papa, it has been awhile. Say, I'm in your section of Grandline. I need cash and I was wondering if you knew any casinos or jobs?" You asked him.

'Of course I know jobs lass. You could always work for your old man, join a gang, be a bartender at the famous bars. Yer' an eye catcher.' He encouraged.

You shook your head at the last part. It gave you flashbacks of when one of his acquaintances tried to bribe you to marry one of her many sons.

"Thanks papa but ill pass. What about a casino? It's easy money."

'Aye that's a fine idea! Tell ye' what, I'll send you over the finest casino address and you can drive on down 'ere. I'll give ye' a tour and get ya a job, lass.'

"Sweet! I knew I could rely on you. Gracías papa!" You spoke.

'Anything for my daughter. See ye' in a few.' He concluded before he hung up. As the call ended, the front door to your neighbors house opened as a tall, well built blonde man stepped out.

He had long hair that was tied back in a ponytail but had bangs covering his face. A tight blue shirt was showing off his muscles as he turned his attention to you.

"Oh, I see I've gotten a new neighbor." He said blankly.

You didn't say anything back.

"...Well, nice to meet you. My name is Killer. You won't see me home very often so don't worry much about your peace and quiet." He said, getting straight to the point.

"Kind of weird to name someone Killer...but who am I to judge? You can call me (Y/N)."

"That's a nice name. Sweet ride you got there as well." He said, gesturing to the luxurious car in the driveway that was (f/c).

"Thanks, it's quite the joyride honestly. But, nice to meet ya Killer. You seem like a busy man so I won't hold you up any longer." You chuckled.

"No no, it's fine. I have awhile before work and I was actually about to head down to a shop to pick up a few tools for my boss. Tell me, what are you up to besides moving in?" He questioned with a smooth voice.

"I don't have a reason to tell a complete stranger anything but it's not like I committed a crime. I'm actually about to head down to apparently thee 'finest' casino to get a tour and a job." You spoke, mocking your dads tone.

He let out a deep laugh at your tone as he could tell you were imitating someone.

"My oh my, you seem very funny. I'm sure you and I will get along very well."

"I'd hope so at least. Hey, know any good places for furniture?" You asked.

You chatted with Killer for awhile before he eventually had to leave and you were sent the address from your father. You got back into your car as you started up the engine.

Glancing at the address on your phone, you turned up the radio and rolled your windows down, putting your music on a generous volume.

As you pulled out from the driveway, you drove out from the neighborhood and began to head down to the casino. You hummed the tune of the song that played as you focused your eyes on the road.

Glancing over, you could see Killer's truck next to you with two men in the backseat and one buff man with red hair the front seat who was glaring at you. They weren't with Killer originally so he must've picked them up a few minutes after he left.

You let out a chuckle before the window of the truck was lowered and Killer leaned over.

"Hey! (Y/N), looks like we're headed the same way." He laughed.

"I guess so."

"Kind of funny, I'll—" Killer was rudely cut off by the red haired man in the front who rolled up the window. You scoffed at his actions before you turned your music louder.

As the light turned green, you sped off towards your destination without a thought in sight.

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