2. The Grand Tour

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You pulled into the parking garage the casino had. Papa wasn't lying when he said finest. There was gold everywhere and people wearing expensive suits and dresses. Everyone seemed to be murmuring about a big shot being there.

You parked your car and got out, feeling somewhat lower than everyone else. You wore a simple leather shirt with a zipper that was open and revealed your bust along with loose-fitting jeans and your thong sticking out, not to mention you wore black-stiletto heels.

All you had was boxes of your clothing and other belongings but your ex kept your shared apartment. The thought of him made you want to hurl but you could only sigh.

You leaned back into your car and picked up a pair of luxurious sunglasses and rested them on your head as you picked your phone up from the leather seat.

You shut the door and locked your car, putting your keys into your pocket as you texted your father while you started walking through the garage towards the casino itself.

'Old man, where are you inside?'

'Already here? Ill be around the bar.'

'Got it.'

You clicked your tongue as you continued walking, a familiar truck zooming past you as loud arguing could be heard. You rolled your eyes as you entered an elevator that took you up to the casino.

It was beautiful outside but the inside was even more stunning. Marble, gold, and red was all around. There were marble pillars with gold accents and red carpet all around along with the scent of money and alcohol.

There were people gambling all around along with a large gold statue of the man himself.

'Cocky bastard.' You grinned to yourself as you looked around. Your eyes landed on the bar where the large man sat. He was around seven-feet tall and a giant compared to everyone else. Women surrounded him as the man sipped on a glass of wine.

"Old man!" You called out as you approached him. The women all over him gawked at you as if you just offended them with the worst insult. He quickly brushed them off as he engulfed you in a big bear hug.

"Lass! You're finally here. Take a seat kiddo, let's discuss before we take ye' on the tour." He chuckled as the bartender poured him another glass of wine.

He seemed quite laid back and was embracing his own glory. The bartender poured you a shot of Moonshine before he went off and took other customers orders.

"So, why have you moved from ye' old town to here?"

"Papa, things with Niji didn't last. He wasn't the man I thought he was."

"As I thought. I'm sorry lass, but ye' know Judge isn't the best father." He said casually as he took another sip.

You quickly drank the shot and nodded as you leaned on your hand.

"Yeah...it's kind of sad. I loved Niji but I always was skeptical."

"Thas' good ye' trust yer' gut. He was a piece of work and a let down."

"Yes he was. In more ways than just one." You laughed as you chatted with your father. You hadn't felt so at home in awhile. He always knew how to ease your soul.

"Alrighty lass, why don't we get you a job as a waitress that works for the bar? Ye' can deliver the drinks to customers and gamble in yer' free time." He smiled.

"Papa that would be an absolute dream. I'd love that." You gushed as he turned to the bartender and explained. You were hired on the spot and you spoke with the kind man who handed you a uniform kept behind the bar.

You then stood up and held your fathers hand as he led you around the large and glamorous building.

He explained everything and how it worked before he came to a halt.

"Aye', it seems Shanks has came for a visit. Anyways lass, something tells me you don't have furniture."

"How'd you know?"

He chuckled.

"I'm yer' father. I know you well. I'll send some of my good pals over with some furniture. Ye' can use this job to pay rent and spoil yerself'."

You nuzzled into his arm before the tall redhead approached you two.

"Edward! I knew I'd find you here, especially with all the talk going around."

"Shanks, it's odd to see ye' here. Ye' remember Hyde, dont'cha?"

Shanks then looked down at you as you waved to him.

"My oh my! She's gotten so big and she's as beautiful as she was when she was younger! Hyde, it's such—"

"Please Shanks, no need to call me that anymore...that's in my past. Call me (Y/N)."

Your father stiffened up. He gave you that name after he legally adopted you. Originally, you weren't Hyde, you went by something else. It was practically an insult. After he adopted you, he legally changed your name and gave Hyde to you as a middle name but as you grew up, he kept you hidden and only called you Hyde.

"Of course! Gosh, I still can't get over how much older you are now!" Shanks continued to gush over you before your father eventually pulled you away and continued the tour.

You got odd looks from people as they wondered what such a woman like yourself was doing with an important man like your father. You sighed as the tour soon came to an end and now you stood back at the bar.

"By the time you're home, you'll see yer' brothers. Don't be upset kiddo...ye' can always call them or me. I'm always open to visits from ye'." He said reassuringly as he pulled you into a hug.

"Papa, I haven't seen you since I left for college. Even then I have no use for my own degree."

"Sure ye' do lass! You can put it to your use, besides ye' had that modeling career. Thatch could help ye' out again!" He cheered as he pulled back from the hug.

You used to model during college and you became quite popular. Up until recently you did it but only a few weeks ago did you stop. You got a degree in arts, your modeling was an easy pass for the class.

You took another shot before you sighed.

"Maybe I will. I'll stick with this job for now though. I know Thatch has beautiful women lining up for a chance at his photography skills."

"Of course he does, the lass is talented. He liked yous' over the rest. Yer' good friends with Thatch, it wouldn't hurt."

"I know papa. I will one day it's just that right now I have this job, unless Thatch wants pictures of me in a playboy bunny outfit."

"He would make good profits." He said with a wink as you slapped your father on the back of the neck.


"I'm not lyin'!"

You let out a groan as you stood up and kissed him on the cheek. You said goodbye to him and the bartender whom would be training you starting tomorrow as you walked towards the elevator.

You went down into the garage and passed a familiar blonde and his friends. He turned to look at you but was shoved away.

You rolled your eyes as you approached your car in the parking garage. Unlocking your vehicle, you opened the door and climbed in as you sat in the comfortable seat.

You looked down at your phone and bit your lip.

A little bit more profit wouldn't hurt. Thatch wasn't a total weirdo and wouldn't have you do anything odd. The few pictures he did take were a hit and you could easily find them with a search under his name.

You felt yourself getting stressed trying to debate it.

'Maybe another time Thatch.'

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