Draco and McGonagall arrived soon after with 4 non-emergency aurors. "I've explained to them what you told me, you've gotten the evidence?" McGonagall asked. Hermione nodded, handing McGonagall a bag, the potion inside.

"Very well. Malfoy, Granger, you two will enter Gryffindor tower and bring Lavender Brown to my office, two Aurors will stand guard with you in case she attacks"McGonagall told. "Ms.Weasley, you must not be seen with them. You will stay here"She added.

"What, why? I want to be there!"Ginny said, getting up from the couch. "Ginny, if Lavender finds out you got the evidence, she'll target you. Just stay here, I'll tell you everything when we get back"Hermione assured. "Ugh"Ginny groaned, falling back into her seat.

They left the common room, McGonagall heading for her office as Draco and Hermione headed to Gryffindor tower. "I can't tell if you're getting revenge for yourself or Weasel"Draco said. "It's only fair that she gets punished as well"Hermione shrugged. He rolled his eyes, he just didn't understand.

"Did you go to madam Pomfrey?"She questioned. "Granger I said I'd go later"He told. "And when exactly is later? You need to get it healed"She snapped, throwing a glare at him. "Fine, I'll go before Lunch"He said, rolling his eyes again.

They stopped in front of the portrait of the fat lady. Hermione Said the password before turning to the aurors. "Stay out here, we'll call you if things get out of hand"Hermione told, there was no need to cause stress for anyone else. Draco entered the common room before she was done talking, wanting to see how it was like.

"Malfoy!"Hermione snapped. Everyone in there hated him. She rushed after him but he was already in, every eye towards him. "The dungeons are much better"He scowled, hating how bright and cheerful the room looked. "We aren't here for you to judge the common room"She scoffed, hitting his arm. She turned to the common room, ready to speak. Her eyes glanced around, looking for Lavender. "We need Lavender Brown"She said.

"What?"Parvati questioned.

"What's happening?" Dean asked.

"Is she in her dorm?"Hermione asked, turning to Parvati. "Yeah, I'll... I'll go get her"Parvati said, confused. Parvati disappeared up the stairs and Harry walked over. "You've got everything?"He asked.

Hermione nodded. "This is really nice of you, Hermione, you didn't have to do this"Harry said. Hermione smiled, bringing him into a one armed hug. She heard Draco scoff and rolled her eyes. "You have to go to the head dorm, Ginny will blow if she stays there alone"Hermione told, pulling away.

Harry left as Parvati and Lavender came rushing down. "Have you seen Ron?"Lavender asked, her face covered in worry. Hermione saw Draco smirk out of the corner of her eye. "What? Why is he smirking? Granger, where is Ron?"Lavender questioned. "You'll be joining him very soon, don't you worry"Draco said.

"What?" Lavender muttered, turning to Hermione.

"Lavender Brown, you are under arrest for criminal charges"Hermione said, a small smile appearing on her face.

"What!"Parvati snapped.

"Criminal Charges?"Neville repeated.

"Criminal Charges! I didn't do anything!"Lavender shouted, stepping away from them. The aurors rushed in at the sudden noise. "You are also being sued by Ronald Weasley, and having a restraining order put against you for your crimes"Hermione went on as the aurors pulled out their wands.

The fear on Lavender's face made Hermione want to laugh. "You committed a crime. You could spend years locked up, all because you wanted a Weasel to be with you" Draco told, his smirk growing as Aurors cuffed her and took her wand.

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