Chapter 4: Unfortunate meetings

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You were about to leave the room when suddenly you heard  foodsteps in the far distance. The robot seemed to get verry  uncomfortable and his whole body got tense. You looked up at him, sensing his discomfort. He was trembling with his top arms, the fingers in the red gloves shaking a lot as he returned the stare you gave him.
"Oh no...", he whispered, stepping from one foot to the other. You gave him a questioning look as he continued speaking in a low and hushed voice. "She is close and...she will...come here....". Then he grabbed you, picking you up with daze as he said: "If she finds you, we both will End up dead or...worse.... Come! I need to hide you.".
With that, he Carrie's you away bridal style. Your face went a bit red when you were rhinking about the position in what he Carried your weak body.
The tall monster and you went through a old looking door and through a corridor. It was dark but that did not seem like a problem for the robot. He just activated some sort of torch or flashlight and his eyes glowed in a faint red. It was light enough for you to see what was right in front of you. His steps were fast and he seemed startled by the arrival of this mysterious woman.

"Where are we going?", you quietly asked him but got no response.  You continued to walk through endless corridors,  His steps were fast and you hade a hard time keeping up. Still, you tried your best to follow him. Despite him and you running verry fast, it seemed like the stranger followed you, knowing exactly where you were. "Come out now!", you heard her demanding tone in the far distanse.  However, the monster picked you up after some time, notising your exhaustion. He coundn't get exhausted so easy, what was a big adventage.  Now he ran with you in his top arms, holsing you tight. 

However, your little attempt to flee did not last verry long.  The stranger suddenly appeared verry near. Now, you saw the womman. 

She was a tiny, dinnsaur-like creature with spiral glases, a dirty laboratory coat and a red pollover with black stripes and some pants.  She looked intimidating to you even  though you were much taller than her. This womman was cruel. You could  sense this by the aura, what was surrounding her. 

"Mettaton, there you are and...oh my, you brought me a little gift as well.", she then started to speak in a sickly sweet voice and giggled. She had an adorable giggle, what on the other hand was threatening to you. 

"Now, be a good assistent and  bring the human into my lab okay?", the scientist demaned. Mettaton however made not a single move.  He just turned around, shaking his head. 

"Mettaton!", the mad womman sharply spoke, making the robot hold on you even harder, pressing your tiny body against him. "I said: Hand this human over and bring them into the lab! Right nor! Or do I have to lead you a hand?", she asked with a wide grin, revealing sharp fangs. did all monsters have fangs here? But still,  the robot did not obey. 

Suddenly, the monster pulled a tiny romote out of her pockets and pressed a button. Mettaton sat you onto the ground. Now, a baseball Bat appeared in his right yellow hand. "Good boy. Now,  knock the human out and bring them to the lab!", she ordered. Mettatons'eyes gave you a sad look as he whispered: "I sorry, my human..." Then, you felt pain rushing through your head before you lost your consciousness and everything arround you went blac...


Hello again!

And there is the next chapter! Hopefully it was acceptable.

I hope you enjoyed reading it again. If you have any corrections or feedback, please tell me. It would help me to improve.

Until we meet again my dear humans,


Broken soul. (UF! Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now