Chapter 3:

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The place you two arrive at was a tiny room. It was dark in there so you couldn't see much.  The only things whitch were visable to you in this gloomy, all consuming darkness, were the shapes of some furnitures standing in this place. You just wondered, where this strange robot brought you. What was this place? Was it his room or would it be your prisson? Might this room be the place you will die at?

Suddenly, the robot flipped a switch and a red light began to flicker, immersing the room in a dim, red light. This made this tiny place look somewhat coasy, but also scarry.  

"We might be safe here for a short while.", said the monster in a lowered voice. You gave a quick nod. "Oh don't worry my dear. You can look around for a while.". You looked at him and the creature just gave you a reasuring smile before you curiously started wondering around this strange room, examening every little detail you could possibly find.

The room itself was not so tiny as you thought it was. There was a tiny sofa at the end of the room. Next to the door stood a red and black electric guitar  with a poster hanging over  As far as you could tell, it looked like a poster of either a Metal band or a Goth band. It had something to do with rock. Was this robot a secret Metal-head or a rocker? Maybe you could ask him about it. 

By further exploring this little area of his, you notised even more posters of several bands such as Twin Tribes, a Goth and Post Punk band from Texas or other bands such as Male Tears, Ash Code and many, many others.  You also found several old CDs of rock bands such as the famous band QUEEN. Thinking about it, you assumed, that this guy seemed to like music. Or maybe you were wrong and he was just collecting posters, CDs and instruments.  There also was a broken CD player in the darkest corner, what was covered in dust, causing you to sneeze. 

As you looked back where the robot stood, you saw him watching every single move you made. Was he curious or just checking that you won't brake anything?  His eyes were pircing through you like daggers, making  shivvers running down your back. This dude seemed scarry.  There was something unsattlleing about this monster. He looked like he could kill anyone in a split second.  

"Do it?", he suddenly asked, his words  making you snap back into the brutal reality. "well yeah. The place looks k verry nice.", you commented, making him smile a little. This smile revealed his vampire-like fangs. Was he actually able to suck someones blood with those fangs? 

"Thank you, human.". You just gave him a quick smile and walked back to him.  He continued to stand there.  Then, he sighed. It was a sad sigh and you gave him a concerned look. He just brushed it off, telling you that everything was allright. 

"So...", you started to end this uncomforting silense. " seem to like music, huh?". He looked at you in suprise. Was it really that obvious? 

"Umm...yeah I do.", he replied. This person really was socially awkward.  "Music is something amazing and beauriful.". You just nodded. Music really was amazing and beautiful. 

"But nobody here likes music. They all think it is stupid and makes someone weak.", the monster then sadly sighed. You just looked at him, still smiling. 

"Well then let us show them, that music is great.", you suggested, but the robot did not agree. 

"No please...let us not do that.  Nobody here likes me or my shows. They all hate music as well. At least...the music I listen to... .", he explained and you  walked up closer to him, giving him a quick hug. This starteled the huge creature, who instantly bagged away, creating a small distance between the two of you. 

"I...I guess we should leave. She might come in here soon, looking for you.".  So the male grabbed your rist and left the room with you after turning off the light.


Hello my dear humans,

After a long, long time of waiting, I finally uploaded the next chapter.

If it really is the next chapter, well...I don't know anymore. 

maybe I already added this chapter and rewrote it now.  I really can not remember.

It has been a long time since my last update here. 

However, I hope you enjoyed reading it. <thank you for reading, voting and commenting.

Until we meet again,


Broken soul. (UF! Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now