"Let go of me, you son of a b...let go of me NOW! What the hell..."

Leon let go of his arm to open the door of the red golf car.

"Get in"

"I'm not getting in."

Leon was already fed up with the scene, he was feeling so annoyed and angry at everything. He said himself, it was better to ignore it. He closed the car door, went around to open the driver's door, stopped for a few seconds to look at this partner, who was frowning. 

"You dont wanna get in, just dont ..I had enough" he got in, started the car, open the window to shout "I hope you're still in time to catch the bus."

He started the car and disappeared again,quickly.

If it had been any other day, he would have simply turned down the street and gone back for him but this was one of those days where he simply decided that if it hadn't worked out with his boyfriend, he would at least make sure he enjoyed what was left of the night, he needed to feel like he hasn't wasted his time.

Took the  usual route, stopping first at the bar to head later to the night club. At the bar, there s no one know, he was ready to leave when one of the barman approached him.

"Hey Leon, today they opened a "new spot" in the south zone. I got you a free pass, tell me later how it was. It sounds promising"

"Thank you , Charly."

The ride was short. The new place looked like nothing good on the outside: a black wall and in the middle a dark door on which hung a luminous sign with the name "Doble Sentido", but inside was where it shone. The lighting was impressive, the bar was incredibly long, attended by 3 guys, it had 2 dance floors and a section of individual booths. It was an exclusive "joint", he smiled to himself thinking of a way to repay Charly for that favor. He went to the bar to have a drink while he looked around, amazed.

Apparently it was the opening party, it was full of all kinds of people, from teenagers to some already in their thirties. Something caught his attention, there in the middle of the dance floor was a young man dancing to the music with some terribly sensual movements, a smile was drawn on his face.

He approached him, following the rhythm of the melody, took him by the waist, the young man opened his eyes and gave him a wide smile. He was drunk.

"Leon...what a surprise to see you here!"

"I called you several times. Don't you ever have your cell phone on?"

The young man laughed mischievously

"Not really, no. I never use it."

Leon hugged him close to his body. 

"How much have you drunk?"

"I don't know," the young man answered in a soft tone, "I drank until I stopped feeling lonely."

Leon sighed at that look, took his hands to the young man's face to take him between his hands with a tenderness that was not like him. He began to kiss him slowly until he felt the shy response of the young man, they intertwined their tongues, while he played with his lips. 

He felt him small, helpless even though they were almost the same height. The young man broke away, smiled at him, grabbed his hand and led him to one of the private rooms. He was surprised to discover that each small room had its own door with a lock. Inside there was a nice chair and a small round table. They plopped down on the chair, the young man's eager hands began to touch him.

"Saz," he whispered as he held his hands gently, "let me do it."

The young man smiled broadly, ignoring his words. He jumped up and almost fell down due to dizziness, took off his pants and before Leon could say anything the young man was sitting on top of him pressing his fully erect member against the young man's crotch.

Parallel lives [COMPLETE] [BXB]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang