Chapter 52

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Lucas accompanied his sister to the car,  putting her belonging in the truck. His sister looked at him for a few minutes, there they were again alone, her brother Alex was delayed again, he called back to say that he was staying a few more days and although they insisted he should come back soon, they did not provide any reasoning, they didn't want to talk about something like that by such a frivolous way as the phone. Once he was there, they would talk about everything that had happened. He looked at both sides and decided that not to get in the car with her, somehow he believed it was better for Manon to go with Seleika's father.

Manon told him about Numa's visit, he just arrived when he left. He stood there, thinking.  He stared at the sky for a few seconds, he was afraid, everything around him seemed to become fragile as crystal. He felt threatened, he was afraid to wake up one day and see that the greatest of his fears had come true: to be alone. He looked at his watch and realized he has to go home. The next day he should to go to school and he had no excuse to be absent. He should fine Giovanni, how would he find him? He knew he should be hiding somewhere but how to find him. And what would he do if he found him? He should be armed, but who would sell a gun to a teenager and most important of all: he didn't even know how to use it. That was crazy, but he had to do something, he couldn't just stand there  waiting for the police to take care of everything.

He began to walk slowly, when he realized it was 8 pm and he was in front of Numa's house. He sat on the steps of the entrance and I remember when the boy was attacked by those guys, and he waited for hours until, mobilized by fear and instinct, he went out to look for him. 

This time was different, they were in a relationship, they knew each other much better than before. Lucas looked around, the street was empty like that time. All the things that happened  in the last few days has altered the couple and somehow he knew things were not working out well. He was only thinking about himself, he didn't pay much attention to him, it was always Numa who followed him everywhere and tried to be part of every part of his life, but it was hard for him to give him all the confidence, to unveil himself completely before him.

He looked at  the kiosk, it was still there with its lights on inviting him to come closer, he had to decide, either he would ring the doorbell or not, but he could not stay there, the truth is that he did not want to sleep alone.

"Waiting for me?," asked a voice.

Lucas looked up to meet those beautiful bright green eyes, how long has it been since he had looked into his eyes? What nonsense! It seemed to him that this was the first time in a long time.

"Yes, where were you?" he lied, he wasn't waiting for him, just waiting to make up his mind.

"At Leon's."

The mere mention of his name changed the expression on his face.

"After all what he said, and yet you've been with him?," he asked evidently annoyed.

"Please don't start, I don't feel like listening to nonsense."

Numa's tone puzzled him.

"I don't know why I came..." he added, getting up with the intention of leaving, if he stayed they would fight and that was the last thing he was looking for at that moment.

"Oh, you can stay, Lucas," he commented, emphasizing the words, "if what worries you is Leon, I'm not going to see him again. He has cut off contact with me," added softly.

"Great..." Lucas muttered satisfied, ignoring Numa's expression. The boy turned around facing him with a hateful expression.

"Great? Do you realize what you just said to me?" he turned away evidently angry, his eyes shining with tears  "my best friend committed suicide, my only and best friend and now I'm losing another friend, a person I really appreciated. Don't you even realize? You are my boyfriend but you are not my friend. We don't trust each other enough, I don't even know YOU and I have the feeling that you DON'T care about knowing me either"  

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