Chapter 48

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Numa arrived home, opened the door to find his grandmother sitting in the living room drinking tea, as usual, and reading a magazine. She barely looked up and Numa thanked God for that, because it gave him time to change his expression.

He left his coat on the coat rack and walked towards her to greet her, only then Eleonora looked up and gave him one of her warm smiles.

"Love, I didn't hear you coming.

"old age doesn't come alone," he commented as he was scolded by a smack on the butt with the magazine.

"Ungrateful kid, saying that to this poor old woman."

Numa smiled, sat down on the floor as he liked so much and leaned back in the armchair.

"Old woman? Granma, you spend more time outside than I do," Eleonora laughed in amusement at her grandson's comment.

"How is Manon?"

"She is fine" he answered reluctantly, he didn't know why, but he didn't feel like talking about it. It was quite complicated, he was exhausted. And they had a whole discussion in top of that.

He got up to go to his room when his grandmother called him.

"Come here, let's talk for a while, we haven't done it for a long time."

Numa grumbled under his breath but finally agreed, he knew it would be a hard task to convince her otherwise.

"The truth is that lately we rarely see each other and we hardly talk, and I would like to know what's going on."

"To me?" he made a questioning face "Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine."

"Are you not going to participate in the boxing tournament?"



The boy turned his head away trying to ignore her but a hand covered with a few wrinkles took him affectionately by the chin and turned him towards her.

"What's wrong?"

"Granny, I really wanted to enter the championship but after that accident, I was out of training for a long time and I missed some of the most important sessions and when I came back the coach told me that it was too late to sign up. I guess he didn't want me in the championship either."

Grandma looked at him sideways.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter now, Granma".

"It matters to me. I know I never agreed with you playing the sport, but it's something you really like, and you're old enough to decide for yourself, aren't you?"

Numa looked at her for a few moments before continuing.


"Yes?" Grandma asked, looking at him as always.

Numa looked into those gray eyes and was afraid, he had been thinking about telling her for a long time, about telling her that he was homosexual, but what if those eyes turned cold and looked at him with rejection, he would not be able to bear it. At the last moment he decided to change the subject and bring up something that had been on his mind for a long time.

"I would like" he swallowed nervously "I would like to meet my biological mother."

The grandmother looked at him for a few moments evidently surprised but on the other hand happy as if she had been waiting for that question.

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