Chapter 29

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The burial took placed around one week later, and Agustin's family chose a modest cemetery. Numa would have preferred to attend alone but his grandmother had accompanied him and he had been unable to say anything to her since Eleonora had always been very concerned about his friend.

Numa looked up at the sky, which was overcast but between the masses of clouds some rays of sunshine filtered through, just as his friend liked, and for a moment he allowed himself to smile.

The ceremony was simple, a few words, flowers and the burial. He distinguished the parents and those who he thought were the rest of the relatives. From his friends circle, he was the only one there, surely they have not even heard about the news. Afterwards he would, at least, call some of them. What would they say? He has been his best friend and he couldn't even understand such a decision. He shook his head, his chest heaving again. His grandmother watched him from a safe distance, she didn't want to be on top of him at that moment, Numa was a bit special, once alone she would talk to him, although she sensed that it wouldn't be possible until a few more days have passed. As soon as they arrive home, he would probably lock himself in his room, and stay there until the next day.

When the ceremony was over, the parents came to greet him, and to their surprise, Ana handed him a white envelope.

"It is a letter for you, the police found it on his desk. Surely they will call you to ask you for a statement like everyone else," she covered her mouth to let out a sob that seemed to have been struggling for a long time to come out.

"Thank you."

Numa stood there for a few minutes, staring into their bright eyes, and before he could contain herself, he said:

"Agustin was an excellent friend, and an excellent person... and if you had given him the opportunity, he would have been an excellent son as well, I am sure of that."

He turned around and disappeared from there, his grandmother followed him as best she could.

"Numa... Numa..."when she finally caught up with him "I don't think it was the best moment to do such a thing, they lost their son, Love."

Numa stopped to stare at her, serious.

"Grandmom, they lost him a long time ago, they threw him out of their house. Do you want to know why? Because he was different from the rest, because he was homosexual. You cared more about him than his own parents."

His grandmother looked at him as if waiting for him to continue, but he looked away, turned around and continued walking.

Numa did not want to continue, although his grandmother seemed willing to listen to anything, it was not the moment, he felt his blood boiling inside him at the thought of his friend's parents, although the sadness was too strong, and he sank again into his own silence.


Lucas stood thoughtfully in front of the entrance of the institute. Numa has not been attending school since last time he saw him. Something bad must have happened to him, maybe something related to family, something with his parents or maybe he was sick, although he doubted it, he looked sad and depressed a few days ago.

He went home for lunch first, if Numa was sick then he will find him at home and even if he wasn't he would almost certainly be home too. What annoyed him most was that Numa stopped talking to him, it was true that they argued a lot in the past but he thought he would at least trust him. After thinking it over, he decided he would pay him a visit in the afternoon, he would show up at his house, he wanted him to know he was aware something was not right. On the other hand, the simple idea of meeting him made him excited.

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