Chapter 56

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Lucas never slipped out of a house like he did that morning, it was ridiculous, he felt almost like a delinquent. Numa, who knew the routine by heart, told him that he had 10 minutes, from the time his grandmother left the bathroom and went into her bedroom, to get out of there. That day, although he didn't explain why, he made it very clear that he didn't even want to think about the idea of his grandmother seeing him there. True, he has been thinking about it all the day before, and if he could that day he would sit down with his grandmother and make things clear. Or at least he would try, every time he thought about telling her he was homosexual, a fear flooded his body, he was so nervous that when after half an hour his grandmother put his coffee with milk in front of him he could barely take a sip, which did nothing but worry Eleonora who was not used to see her grandson so pale.

"Are you sure you're not sick?"

"Of course not, grandmother, it must be something I ate last night, my stomach is a little upset, but that's all."

His grandmother looked at him unconvinced and put him a piece of toast spread with jam, and at that moment Numa only felt the nausea but tried to hide it, he would have to find a good excuse not to eat that piece of toast. However, there was no such thing as a good excuse for not eating toast for breakfast.

"Granma, I'm really not hungry, but I promise to eat something at recess," an idea popped into his head, "how about giving me something to take with me?

The grandmother seemed to be at least a little convinced by that answer and made him a ham and cheese sandwich, a little heavy for a break, but he decided not to say anything and put it in his backpack.

"Granny, are you going to be at home when I get back from class?"

Eleonora looked at him

"What's the matter, Numa? Did you do something"

"No! grandma"

She laughed softly but the truth is that Numa's behavior that morning was very strange, starting because he was more awake than usual.

"Numa, do you want to tell me something?"

Numa averted his gaze, did it show that much?

"Well," he got up and picked up the ham and cheese sandwich, "I'm coming straight home after school anyway."

He stood in the doorway.

"And yes, there's something I want to tell you."

Numa bit his tongue instantly, but he knew why he had done it, he had said it because he would feel obliged to say it, now there was no turning back, now he had to talk to her.

He turned around and left the house in a few seconds, grabbing the backpack, he walked quickly down the street, and then continued the rest of the way running, at some point with a red face and panting for lack of air he stopped at a corner, he had run about 6 blocks, he had not even noticed, he threw the backpack to the ground, and bent down trying to recover from the race. He slowly sat up, looked both ways, and realized that he was looking for Agustín with his eyes, but he was no longer there, the nausea returned and he had to approach the curb to vomit, although he had nothing in his stomach and it only produced a dry cough.

He dragged his backpack to the front step of a building and sat there, getting some air. It was ridiculous, but his nerves were playing tricks on him. He got up a few minutes later to find the bus stop and go to school, although halfway there he regretted it and decided that he would not go to class that day, he went downtown to walk and think, Lucas would be at school, surely he would be looking for him, he sat in a cafe and realized with horror that it was 10 am. He felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket, it was true, now he always carried it with him since Manon had been hurt, he even carried it to class. He looked at the phone, and frowned, it was not one of the calls he was expecting.

"Hi, whatever it is, I can't."

"Numa! You don't even know what I'm going to ask you..." answered the male voice on the other end, a bit curt.

'A favor, I know you. What's up?" he asked a little irritated, the last thing he needed was to talk to Ivan that day.

A snort from the other side let him know that it was not the man's intention to bother him, after all they got along well, even through him he had gotten the job for Leon, whose boss he was now.

"I need a dancer for Saturday."

"Forget it, you know I don't dance anymore."

"I know, I know, but this is a special occasion, they are clients who already know you.

-I told you I don't dance alone."

"Look Numa, this is a special occasion, they are people from the entertainment, they know Saz and Zeus from a private party, these people pay very well."

"So what? Zeus, in case you have forgotten, is dead," he answered sourly, something unusual for him.

"Did I call you at a bad time?"

"No, I'm sorry, but even if I wanted to, I don't know" why he was thinking about it? Because deep down, he was dying to dance again.

"If you're worried about Leon, he won't be there."

Numa preferred not to answer, Leon was not in himself a problem, he already knew that the friendship between them was over, he knew that the greeting would not pass, although of course Lucas would be calmer with that.

"You choose the music, and the choreography, I want something suggestive, and with few clothes."

He was putting it on a silver platter, it was very difficult to say no.

"Do you want me to get you a partner? I know a very good dancer."

"No!" I'd rather do it alone.


"See you at 10 pm, as usual..." he answered and ended the call without saying goodbye.

He had 4 days left to talk to Lucas and to convince him not to look at him the way he knew he would when he told him. If he could even get close to such a place, because he still didn't know what his grandmother's reaction would be.

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