Chapter 71

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That morning someone called insistently on her cell phone. Manon was still in bed enjoying her Sunday, and she wasn't planning to get up so early. She looked at her cell phone and was surprised to see who was calling.


It was Leon.

"Hello Manon, you're finally picking up. I was just about to go to your house."

"What's wrong? Don't scare me."

The brief silence on the other end put her on alert.

"Everything okay Leon?"

"Yes and no. Numa got the tip on where Giovanni was dealing"

She felt a groan from the other side, Manon already seemed to guess what was coming.

"..and went to look for him."

"Tell me he's all right, please."

"Fortunately yes."

The young woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"I took him to the hospital and left him at home a while ago," he paused, "but I am worried. Knowing your cousin, it's not going to end there."


"Where's Lucas now?"

"He's still in the hospital."

"Well he's safer there than at your place, surely."

"I can't believe we're going through this, I can't believe how stupid I was."

Her voice sounded on the verge of cracking.

"Manon, now is not the time to look for someone to blame. There's too many people involved already"

"Gio has an arrest warrant out there and has two complaints filed against him. We don't know what to do anymore."

Leon's voice sounded a bit exasperated.

"Considering that Numa found him before the police did...we're going to need to be a little more creative"

"Do you have any ideas?"

"I'll think of something."

Leon hung up, he was tired both physically and mentally.


That same afternoon, after sleeping for a few hours, Numa woke up with a sore body. Julen was not in his room so he assumed he fell asleep in the living room. He looked for clean clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. On the way he noticed that Julen was sleeping on the couch, a knitted blanket covering him. The young man smiled and went on his way. After the shower he remembered to put the clothes in the wash what Leon lent him to return the next time they met.

His grandmother was not at home so before leaving he left her a note so she wouldn't worry. He went out into the street, with some trepidation, looked both ways and started down the road. Half a block away, he stopped a cab, he was feeling exhausted, part of his back was hurting quite bad. His cell phone rang, he looked to see who was calling him, it was Leon. He turned it off and continued on his way to the clinic. He had to talk to Lucas. The trip was short and he entered the place feeling nervous. He didn't know how he would react to seeing him and he didn't want to think about what his boyfriend would say. It was impossible to hide the obvious bandage on his left hand. The hallway seemed endless and he couldn't help but think back to that morning when he was waiting in a similar hallway to get stitches in his hand. Finally he reached the door, and slowly opened it, peeking out. Lucas was reading a book, he looked up and his eyes lit up when he saw him. When he entered and Lucas could see him completely, the smile disappeared.

"Don't get up," Numa ordered when he saw that the young man wanted to sit up. He quickly approached him, gave him a  kiss and took a seat in the chair next to him.

"What happened to your hand? Are you all right? Lucas was obviously worried, "Was it at the disco?"

Numa looked down and shook his head. That was going to be more difficult than he thought.

"What happened?"

Numa looked up to stare him straight in the eye. His gaze was serious and defiant.

"Last night I got the tip about where your cousin was...."

Lucas' expression changed

"NO!" He raised my hand to stop him "Tell me you didn't go after him"

Numa's expression gave him away

" FUCK, Numa!" He paused and breathed in slowly, "What did you go for, Numa? WHAT FOR?"

"Are you seriously asking me why I went? I don't know maybe because...uhm...HE ALMOST KILLED YOU?!"

Lucas laughed bitterly

"Giovanni is not one of your little boxing buddies, that guy is crazy."

Numa watched him, silently for a moment. And smiled sideways

"What a madman, isn't he? In the end, it seems that you're the one who knows him best. Do you know what he told me, Lucas?" the young dark-haired man looked at him, fearfully, "He said he saved your life...THAT BASTARD BELIEVES HE SAVED YOUR LIFE!..."

Lucas was pale. The young man's green eyes shone full of pain and rage.

"Lucas, tell me..."He stared him intensely "Do you also believe he saved your life?"

Before Lucas' silence, Numa shook his head and continued.

"If wanted, I could have fucked him, he hinted at it"

Lucas interrupted him, his voice was barely a whisper.

"Did he do something to you?"

Numa looked at him and smiled sideways.

"Lu, someone who could do such a thing to me and survive, doesn't exist yet. I would have killed him, no matter what."

"Numa, where is Giovanni now?"

The young man looked at him seriously

"I don't know. The fight did not end well, neither for him nor for me."

The young man looked at him with his black eyes. He did not know what to answer. The young man brought his hand to his hair and stroked it, there was pain in his penetrating look. Numa raised his head, took that hand, kissed his palm and put it on his lap.


Numa looked at him, he was serious.

"Let's end it."

Lucas looked at him in silence. And smiled sideways.

"What happened? Did he...?"

Numa raised his hand.

"Right now I can't think, Lucas, I can't go on. My head feels like it's exploding. I don't regret what I did, but I know I got myself into a good one." he paused before looking at him again, gently, "Or maybe I'm not a person to be in a relationship either."

"Or maybe you just need an excuse to be with Leon" the tone sounded hurtful and as soon as the words left his mouth, Lucas instantly regretted it. Numa wasn't angry, his eyes filled with tears and he looked at him with an expression he couldn't define.

"And if so, what would you prefer, that I lie to you or tell you the truth?"

Lucas lowered his gaze, he did not expect such an answer.

"Don't worry, Lucas. Right now, even I don't know what I want."

Numa sat up, tried to get closer but Lucas moved away, and with tears in his eyes he left the place. When he went out into the street, he had to repeat to himself several times that he had done the right thing. He did not have the strength to continue hiding, in any sense. And honestly, it has been a long time since he has been sure of anything at all. The cell phone rang again. He looked at it, it was Leon again. He ignored the call. A thought came to his mind; he still had to solve the Julen issue.

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