Chapter 14

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Lucas arrived home slamming the door of the apartment. His sister who has been waiting for him worried as he came later than usual and she couldn't reach him on the phone.

Manon thought that probably Numa did not go to school after visiting her.

She sat down in the kitchen with a glass of limonade in her hand, saw her brother coming back and poured him one, she knew he liked that soda too.

"What's wrong?"

Lucas looked at her for a moment.


Manon looked at him coldly.

"Let me guess, Numa did not attend class."

Lucas looked at her sideways.

"So I'm right," she gave him a radiant smile, "let me tell you, he was here in the morning."

Lucas' eyes widened in surprise.

"Really? At what time?"

Manon kept smiling at him.

"Oh, now you feel like talking to me..."

"Well, don't tell me if you don't want to."

Manon looked at him with a little pity and told him everything in detail, omitting the part where she had told Numa that she wanted to see them together.

"So he doesn't have anything with Leon, that's what he told you, right?" he took a sip of his drink, "but surely sex because Leon is not the type to be with someone just for small talk."

"Oh Lucas, please don't be such an idiot, do you really think Numa is like Leon? Really? Anyone could see how differentthey are. And sorry but what's the problem if they only have sex? Is that a bad thing? No, it's an open relationship. The problem is that you're dying of jealousy for being in his place. Why don't you talk to Numa and tell him how you feel once and for all?



"Ah I don't know Manon. I'm not sure he's interested too and I can't believe he has been with a guy like Leon."

"The problem is that you've had a bad experience and you think they're all the same but you're wrong. Leon is arrogant but he's a good person."

"You're so into that guy, you're even arguing with your own brother now."

Lucas turned around and went into his room while Manon felt like breaking something on his head in order to wake him up. She couldn't believe her brother could be such obnoxious person sometimes, and did not like to admit, but he clearly behaved foolish too. He was a smart boy, what has happened to him?

Lucas sat down at the desk and contemplated the drawing he had made of Numa, put it aside and tried uselessly to concentrate on the work he had to do for the next day, not to mention the chemistry exam that was approaching and for which he was not even half prepared.

He looked back at the drawing, and unable to bear it, he crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket, and in its place he put the chemistry book and began to study against his will.


Numa arrived at the institute on Tuesday in a good mood, thinking about how he would tell him, he almost convinced himself that he would face him and tell him. It was the first time he did something like that and he felt anxious and scared at the same time, what would he say?

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