Chapter 70

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The next problem was Julen and how they would solve it. Leon had caught up with him all the way to the house and Numa reminded. him to have a talk with the blonde, and if it was that day, all the better. They said goodbye and Numa walked up the steps slowly and thought worriedly about what he would say to his grandmother. Would she be awake? Has she seen Julen yet?

He opened the door and found Julen and Grandma sitting in the living room, playing cards. Numa didn't know if it was the scene but he suddenly felt like crying. Julen looked at him and Numa saw Agustín's eyes and his expression,  just like that. He knew it was a stupid thought.

"Honey," the grandmother said, and went to him. "What happened to you?

Numa hugged her and without being able to stop it, he let the tears out he has been repressing for too long. He knew he would feel like an idiot, even more in front of Julen, but somehow, he couldn't handle everything that was happening to him. He just couldn't.

Grandma took him to the bathroom, dragging him gently, washed his face like when he was little and dried his face with the towel, with soft touches as she has always said. She told him she would make him a special drink that would lift his spirits.

Numa went to sit in the living room. Julen watched him, you could tell he was very cut up.

"I saw the pictures of your friend in your room. It sucks what happened."

Numa let out a snort.

"Julen, you don't always have to say something. When you don't know what to say, just don't say anything. That's something I also taught Agustin and he taught me to ask for help, and to trust. I think it's something you have to learn as well."

Grandma came back with a bowl of dark, steaming liquid. That had alcohol in it. Numa looked at her in confusion.

"Well, you're of age now."

Numa laughed. Julen looked at her smiling.

"Not you."

Julen made a disappointed face.

"Granma, Julen needs to stay with us for a few days."

Grandma nodded and asked Julen:

"Have you told your parents yet?"

Julen paled and shook his head. Numa looked at him and said softly

"You don't need to tell them where you are, just let them know you're okay," Grandma seemed to disagree with that.

"They don't need to know where I am. My mother said that I am no longer her son."

The grandmother looked at Numa sideways and he looked at her.

"Julen, do you have any siblings? Do you have anyone you trust you can talk to?"

"I have a 19-year-old sister, I left her a bag of clothes ready for me and told her I'd pick it up later."

The grandmother said

"Tell your sister she can talk to me if she wants to. The important thing is to let your parents know that you are okay. I'm sure they are very worried about you."

Julen was about to say something, but Numa interrupted him.

"I can talk to your sister. There's enough space in my room for both of us so don't worry. I'll lend you some clothes for the moment and when you want, I can go get your bag myself or I'll go with you."

Julen nodded slowly. Numa wanted to poke him and tell him something, he was making a superhuman effort to behave calmly and speak well. Numa stressed to him to behave like a royal boy in front of his grandmother.

Eleonora looked at him

"Now I have a good opponent to play cards with, my grandson always lets me win."

Julen looked at her and laughed.

"Well, that's all in the past. I intend to win every hand!"

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