Chapter 2

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It had been a few weeks since school started, the summer was getting weaker and weaker to give way to autumn.

It was one of those days when the sun still seemed to split the earth. Lucas went to the park  after lunch. As usual he had his headphones and his notebook, where he drew sketches of landscapes, faces or simply imaginary scenes that came to his mind.

When he arrived at the park he had a hard time finding a free spot where he could lie down quietly without worrying about prying eyes or unwanted onlookers. He was nervous about anyone watching him while he was drawing. 

He finally found one, a huge clearing with a single tree in the middle, and to his delight it was a jacaranda, something he was eager to draw that day. In front of him there was only a couple sunbathing, and behind him, duly distant, a group of young people playing. He turned his eyes there again, he seemed to have recognized someone... and indeed it was him, the boy with the green eyes. He was joking with a classmate, who had said something to him while he was laughing his head off. He threw some cards in his face to lie down on the grass. His torso was bare and his skin was a soft golden color. He was wearing a pair of low rise pants that had slipped down to reveal the edge of his underwear. He was surprised to see that even there the young man's skin had also that golden color. His mind began to bring up all those questions he shouldn't be asking himself, but he couldn't help it. He wondered what the young man's skin would smell like, what it would be like  to run his tongue along that path from the navel to down there, gently nibbling on that skin.

Something in his crotch began to come alive, he instinctively lowered his head, if he didn't stop thinking about it, it would end very badly.

He looked at the tree again, how can I draw the damn tree now, he thought.

 His mind kept coming back to that body. It occurred to him that he could draw it from memory, but it was not the same, what he would like to do is to make a portrait of the naked young man and hang it in his room. Of course, then he thought about the fact that he didn't live alone and what his sister would say if she saw something like that on his bedroom wall.

He put on his headphones, fixed his eyes on the tree and ignored (or at least tried to) all those fantasies he couldn't help having. For a moment he wanted to get up and run away. No, he already run away enough, the best thing would be to stay there. Maybe he would even say hello to him.

He was thinking about this with his eyes closed when a shadow forced him to open his eyes, before he had time to react a familiar voice came to him.

"I knew you were here."

In front of him was Manon, dressed as a woman as he would say, something that surprised him, she was wearing shoes, skirt and blouse.

"Say something!"

"What did you dress up as?"

He knew what was coming, so he gathered his legs quickly, he was sure to get a kick out of it. But she remained calm with a faint smile.

"I want to talk to you, but you've been dodging me lately," she said, her face showing concern."

"Don't feel like talking... seriously, don't take this the wrong way, but..."

A voice interrupted them


They both turned around, a young man with a bare torso and bright green eyes was in front of them, smiling. Lucas' heart thumped hard in his chest, he was behaving like a kid, he was just a guy, nothing more.

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